Ich habe vor meine Einzelunternehmung zu erweitern.
Diese würde aus 2 Gesellschafter einer UG(GMBH) und einem Geschäftsführer aufgestellt werden.
Da ich und mein Geschäftspartner als Gesellschafter Geld ins Unternehmen einbringen werden ist jetzt unsere Frage ob wir einen exteren Geschäftsführer ( Leitende Geschäftsperson die unsere Betrieb führt und für die Mitarbeiter zuständig ist) Dann ohne eine Kontovollmacht eingestellt werden kann. Da wir gerne selber über die Finanzen entscheiden würden (Ich bin gelernter Finanzbuchalter).
Wäre ein solches vorhaben möglichen einen Geschäftsführer zu stellen nach außen ohne vollmacht für Konten etc ?
Yeah, that would be possible.
It should be remembered: There is a substantial difference between internal and external relations.
In internal relations, everyone knows his duties and powers he has or does not have. It’s different in external relations. A customer or a supplier cannot know what the managing director is allowed and what is not.
As a result, it may happen that the managing director agrees with an outsider to which he was not entitled (and which you and the company will cost a lot of money). It is clear that the unauthorized managing director will then personally be liable for the damage incurred. But first the damage is there and to bear from the company. Whether the personal liability of the managing director of the damage can be eliminated is on another sheet.
In this respect, you should well examine the skills and personality of a managing director to be hired.
Hello, thank you for your answer. So, in principle, the managing director is simply the company’s spokesman and it is possible to grant or withdraw certain powers? This is an important point. For as a shareholder, we want to distance ourselves from the day-to-day business at the heart of the finances, however, we would like to have looked at ourselves.
clearly, you can formulate a power of attorney (like the tasks) individually. A lawyer will do that. Authorities can also be extended or restricted.
Hello, Jeff,
Of course, but you can actually work with the operating managing director a “procedure” where you enter the budget per quarter that you can spend on X, Y, Z.
If he more he must ask the shareholders for permission. (permittal transactions)
Then you can give him account access and still have control.
Alternatively, make two accounts: A = stem capital, and B = operative, and the operating manager only gets access to the B. You can then transfer a monthly budget to the operating account.
A bit of freedom and space should be given to him, otherwise he may not want to work for you. 🙏 😉