Gmail von Express (Paket)?

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Ich habe mir nichts bestellt ich denke das sind Betrüger habe nicht auf den Link geklickt aber ich habe die schon blockiert und ich kriege dennoch E-Mail von den jeden Tag was wollen die Geld?oder meine Wohnadresse damit sie bei mir einbrechen können?

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2 years ago

Probably stealing data… I get the same email all the time… Just ignore and never click the link!

2 years ago

Yes, they’re cheating emails.

they will be sent to 100,000.

They hope that someone presses on the link and then see it – which is a bread/package where ie should pay 1-3 € inches to get it. There are some who fall on it again and then pay for it. Of course, the payment option is also the same on the page – where you can go the credit card or a link to an alleged Paypal page.

if this is done then the scams have the 1-3€ and also the credit card details or access to Paypal.

2 years ago

Spam or Phishing