Gmail und Passwort an jemanden weitergegeben?
Hallo, vor kurzem habe ich jemanden eine meiner Gmails und Passwort weitergegeben… Ich weiß es war sehr dumm und bereue es jetzt. Könnte er damit etwas schlimmes anstellen? Es ist eien Gmail die ich kaum benutze… Gibt es noch irgendetwas was ich tun könnte?
If you want to end the external access, simply change your password and is good!
Note that the Google password also includes other applications such as Calendar or YT login.
Unfortunately, he has changed
the problem is, a GMAIL address can also be used for a Google Acoount and thus e.g. for google Pay etc.
If you still have access to it, do the following: log in via google with the address and the password, log on to all other devices, then change the password.
Lg, Anna
He changed the password
You can go sometime via still logged in devices. if he has blocked the way, just as I have suggested, you will only be able to contact the google support and report a data abuse.
Lg, Anna
Change your password without sharing it.
He could delete all your emails and send emails to all of your contacts and spend it as you.