Glitzerverbot auch in meinem Harz?
Hallo ich stelle aus Epoxidharz Buchstaben, Lesezeichen und andere Sachen her und benutze da auch manchmal Glitzer drin. Ab den 15. 10 soll es ja ein Glotzerverbot in der EU geben gilt das dann auch für mich und darf die so dann nicht mehr verkaufen?
What exactly does the “glitter ban” say? – It’s more likely to do with the protection of the environment, so that the “glitter” should not be freely distributed. Wounding glitter cannot be meant.
On the other hand, this may mean that you can no longer get the “glitter” freely.
It is about microplastics, and very often glitters consist of a very small cut metallized plastic film. However, there are also glitters of mineral and metallic raw materials.
There will be no glitter ban. 😄 This is populist BILD-Zeitungs-Sprech. The EU only prohibits microplastics. If you use any, you know better than me.