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Thomas Richter
5 months ago

This is normal, since in the subcutaneous fat tissue it is also a large part of fat with it. This can shimmer like fat or as oil can shimmer in the pan if the light is directed accordingly.

PS: there are now well-effective therapies against SVV, e.g. the DBT program. You can do this with a therapist who offers it to get away from it in the long term. The longer the behavior has solidified in the head (by repeated “tun”), the more difficult it is to get out of the head again.

5 months ago

Not necessarily bad..but with svv would I stop doing it also over several years and could finally stop by the therapy and a psychic clinic, of course, that does not work with everyone but would claim from me that I can help.

For questions like private, much luck and LG.

5 months ago

So that glistening would be funny, but do you mean shimmer so much? Have that too, have surprised me before, but there is a lot of fluid that is why this is normal that reflects that. I wish you a lot of strength and that you can somehow stop…

5 months ago

It reflects. This can look like shimmering