Gleitsichtbrille Apollo Rechnung -Wer kann die Daten entschlüsseln?

Ich habe eine Gleitsichtbrille und möchte meine Werte wissen. Einige Werte kann ich mir herleiten, aber wenn ich zum Beispiel nach der Pupillendistanz gefragt werde, steige ich aus beim Zusammenreimen der Daten. Wäre lieb wenn jemand die Werte auf der Rechnung einmal entschlüsseln kann. Vielen lieben Dank.

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1 year ago

Do you want to create a new version or use your own?
Your pupil distance is not noted on the note and this is also made very conscious.

1 year ago


I want to make a second goggle. Would like to use another spectacle frame and order online.

You lack not only the PD for an Internet order, but also the necessary grinding height, the main view or Point of view, angle of inclination and HSA. And all this is done by the optician on your nose.

1 year ago

Why do you need pupil distance? No one will ask you for it. And with a new glasses, the data is in your file with the optician.

You know that.

1 year ago

What is your pupil distance important for? And who should ask you for it?

And all other information related to this lens frame is that which are usable for nothing else

1 year ago
Reply to  Steffen1209

You should leave. Each eyeglasses must be appropriate with the glasses on the nose. The data is not transferable. Online-made spectacles are not roadworthy and may pose a risk. So why would you do that?

1 year ago
Reply to  Steffen1209

Would like to use another spectacle frame and order online.

Why online? There can be no reasonable result, especially in the case of a gliding viewing glasses, because the entire effort that the optician had done on site when buying your other glasses for the production of the gliding viewing glasses already has its meaning. The entire centering is not simply transferable to another mount or other spectacle lenses.