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11 months ago

You’ve always got it wrong.

Let’s take A: There are twice as many trucks (w) as driving license owners (f).

So if I have a driver’s license (f=1), then I have 2 trucks (w), right?

That is why w=2f.

Because w is twice as big as f, you have to take f*2 to get to w. f is the smaller value, so you have to multiply it, not otherwise!

Just like B: There are two trucks (w) more than driver’s license owner (f). Or, in other words, there are two license owners MORE than truck. So if I have the number of drivers – so f – then I have to pack two more to get to the number of trucks. So: f + 2 = w.

Let’s make it easier. You have 10 euros in your pocket (content of your bag: D). Your girlfriend has a euro more in your pocket (content of your girlfriend’s bag: F), so your girlfriend has 10+1 = 11 euros.

So she has the content of your bag plus a euro in her pocket. The content of her bag is therefore D=F+1.

If someone has more than one other, then you have to re-add it to the same result. You add that to the one who already has more, and that’s wrong.