Gleiche Wirkung?
Hallo. Ich nehme täglich ca 400 mg Koffein zu mir in Form von Energy Drinks.
Ich habe nun vor aus Praktischen Gründen auf Koffein Tabletten umzusteigen.
Die Wirkung von 2 X 200 mg Koffeintabletten müsste doch die Selbe sein oder?
Hallo. Ich nehme täglich ca 400 mg Koffein zu mir in Form von Energy Drinks.
Ich habe nun vor aus Praktischen Gründen auf Koffein Tabletten umzusteigen.
Die Wirkung von 2 X 200 mg Koffeintabletten müsste doch die Selbe sein oder?
Ich will mir grad RICHHHHTIG Fett was rei ballern poaaa Hat Mc’s noch Nachts offen ich brauch ein 5 sterne 100euro mukbang menü sofort
Cola aus der Plastikflasche oder Dose?
1 can Energy Drink has 80 mg caffeine. 5 doses have 400 mg caffeine, but also sugar, taurine and other artificial ingredients.
With this you have taken a lot of calories to you.
Why do you want to consume so much caffeine?
Wouldn’t change to tablets, from one dependency to another.
This is actually quite interesting about effect and side effect on caffeine, maybe helps You that,
Good for you.
Caffeine is the most commonly consumed psychoactive drug in the world and there are many reasons to love it. Caffeine can help you get rid of your insomnia – the feeling of exhaustion right after waking up. It can increase your mental and physical performance, contains a lot of antioxidants and offers health benefits such as a certainProtection against type 2 diabetescancer and Alzheimer’s. It is even a connection between coffee consumption and a reducedSuicide riskreported.
But even with caffeine, too much of the good can be taken. Too high consumption can lead to unwanted side effects such as trembling, restlessness and headaches and keep you awake at night. The consequences can be a low energy level, reduced productivity and all the health effects of sleep shortage.
So how much caffeine is too much? Below we are immersed in the knowledge of science on this topic. We also show you how toRISE appcan use to ensure that caffeine does not affect your sleep and how you can increase your energy without having to drink a cup of coffee.
How much caffeine is too much?
There is no generally accepted limit for caffeine, from which one would speak of too much.
According to the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limit your daily caffeine consumption to 400 mg.
Yesthe amount of caffeine which has negative effectsdepends on:
In addition, the amount of caffeine varies greatly in food and beverages. It depends, for example, on factors such as coffee or tea.
The following values are used for orientation with regard to caffeine content in conventional foods and beverages:
ForEnergy drinksHowever, further investigations on the long-term effects must be carried out. Currently you shouldn’t be more thana can per dayto take.
Although the threshold for caffeine is generally indicated by 400 mg, your personal limit may be lower if:
How much caffeine is too much for young people?
While there are not many young people who voluntarily drink a double espresso, caffeine-containing drinks such as sweet energy drinks, soft drinks and sweet coffee drinks are quite popular in this age group.
TheAmerican Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryAccording to this, young people should limit their daily consumption of caffeine to 100 mg and avoid energy drinks completely.
ExcessiveCaffeine consumption in young peoplemay have the following effects:
It is recommended thatChildren under 12 yearswithout caffeine.
What effects does too much caffeine have?
The negative effects are different for every person, but you may consume too much caffeine if you notice the following side effects:
Can you take an overdose of caffeine?
Caffeine overdoses are rare, but not impossible. In large quantities, caffeine can lead to a high heart rate, heart rhythm disorders (unregular heartbeat), vomiting, cramping, coma and even death. Usually, however, you would have to have a quantity of more than5 g caffeineto take.
Most of us will not achieve this value by drinking coffee and tea, but you should take care of products with concentrated caffeine, such as caffeine preparations and supplements for weight loss.
How to reduce its caffeine consumption?
You have just found that you take more than the recommended daily amount of caffeine? Learn how to reduce the amount:
1. Slowly reduce your caffeine consumption
If you have been taking caffeine for some time, then there is a chance that you will notice withdrawal symptoms during a reduction. To keep this as low as possible, you should slow down caffeine consumption instead of completely adjusting it to a stroke or halving your daily consumption to a stroke.
TheAmerican Migraine Foundationrecommends reducing caffeine consumption by 25% each week to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Two. Take enough liquid to yourself
Dehydration can lead to headaches and exhaustion – both symptoms that can arise due to the lack of coffee. Reduce these symptoms by taking enough water daily.
3. Stay on the ball and practice in patience
The withdrawal symptoms do not last forever. They usually last betweentwo to nine daysand are the strongest 20 to 51 hours after your last drink of coffee.
The more caffeine Your body is used, themore symptoms you will feeland the stronger these symptoms are.
The tablets are distributed less throughout the day, so it is already different. Why don’t you want to reduce caffeine?
Yes, the effect should be similar as 2 x 200 mg caffeine tablets provide just as much caffeine as 400 mg from energy drinks. The difference is mainly in the dosage form, i.e. less sugar and additives in tablets. Just make sure to drink enough water as tablets could often work faster.