Glaubt ihr, es gab schonmal eine Zivilisation vor unserer?
siehe oben-
ich meine Zivilisationen, deren archeologischer Nachweis praktisch nicht mehr nachvollziehbar ist, und vielleicht unserer Zivilisation technisch/sonstwie ebenbürtig, oder sogar überlegen war.
I assume that you are referring the question here to Earth, as you speak of archaeological evidence. In the whole universe can’t be said safely, but I’m there assume with high probability, since it is simply spatially and temporally too rugged. About 13.82 billion years since the Big Bang.
Special for Earth:
The oldest fossils found, which, in my knowledge, are already considered life, are Stromatolithe from Greenland, about 3.7 billion years old. The first prokaryotes (one cell without a cell nucleus) which then developed into eukaryotes (with a cell nucleus) in a manner not yet understood. About 550 to 500 million years ago, there were apparently the so-called “combrian explosion” in which a diverse animal kingdom developed. The time of dinosaurs began with the age of the earth, about 245 million years ago. I believe that in these nearly 3.5 billion years to this point, civilizations on earth could have existed because of lack of development and lack of fossils. Finally, the oldest known fossils are about 15 times older.
About 65 million years ago (at the end of the chalk period), the dinosaurs died and the time of mammals began. It is only from this point in time that the development of higher living beings, which could create a civilization, is possible at all. About 98.25% of the time in which Fossils and life are already detectable, have already been smashed. About 7 million years ago (again about an order of magnitude smaller!) the first “people” lived in Africa and developed further to what modern man is today. This modern person then entered the world stage about 300,000 years ago. These are about 0.008% of the time since the appearance of the first detectable Stromatolithe!!! In this relatively short period of time, traces of other civilizations would certainly still be detectable after my “healthy human understanding”. Also in the not even 2% of the time since the extinction of the dinosaurs if one assumes that the civilisation builders could not have been “human”.
A counter-argument to my presentation above is, of course, that, precisely because of these rude periods, X-millions of years old traces of old cultures would have to be disintegrated. It also plays a role here, of course, as far as
that culture was. At the stand of the ancient Greeks or Romans, everything or almost everything should have been disintegrated in millions of years, as the building materials were natural and not yet such massive interventions as at our time massively changed the earth. On our technical stand It should be possible to demonstrate something of this technical civilization by the predatory nature, artificially highly concentrated radioactivity in atomic bombs or other unnatural processes. In addition, evolution is, in principle, well understood at least in the rough traits, even very well in partial regions. In my opinion, the fossils of the builders of this civilization should be able to be found, even if civilization itself is no longer detectable. The evolution itself began quite gradually and gradually increased its speed towards the end. There were jumps forward like the “cambrian explosion” or backward like the extinction of the dinosaurs by a meteorite impact. Whether one should really consider this as “backward” is questionable, because only through this “catastrophe” could mammals and finally man develop. Indications of builders necessary for a civilization have not been found in the fossils.
If I summarize all this knowledge known to this day, I will take with certainty-limiting probability that there are no other highly developed civilizations on Earth in the sense of your question. The earth was born with the solar system about 4.567 billion years ago and was in any case too hot at the beginning for life. The oldest fossils are only 850 to 900 million years later detectable. Since then, life has apparently evolved to date and is at least reasonably logical and can be explained with more or less large gaps. This is how I come to my opinion. In any case this is my (hopefully true) opinion, error not 100% excluded;-).
Maybe somewhere in the universe… but on our earth this is rather unlikely.
I assume.
No. We would find her trash or have already found it.
Don’t be misled by the title, it’s not primarily about aliens
Thank you.
I don’t see comics. I’ll be right back,
No, certainly not. Civilizations of importance, always leave many distinct traces behind