Glaubt ihr dran? Krebsvorbeugung durch Pflanzen?

Es ist ja wissenschaftlich bewiesen, dass gewisse Nahrung Krebs und Tumore bekämpfen, wie zum Beispiel Himbeeren, Kurkuma, Bitter Schokolade, Brokkoli, Ashwaganda,…

Aber denkt ihr man kann wirklich durch diese Faktoren krebs vermeiden oder wie man es manchmal im Internet ließt sogar heilen? Das es hilft ist ja wissenschaftlich bewiesen, aber in welchem Ausmaß genau? Wieviel Wirkung hat es wirklich? Dazu findet man leider kaum bis gar nix

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2 months ago

Unfortunately, you can hardly find anything

If it were scientifically proven, you’d find something. Mostly the studies that prove the effectiveness.

2 months ago

How much effect does it really have? Unfortunately, you can hardly find anything

That should give you thought.

The whole thing is built into the media. All these things are generally healthy and a healthy way of life protects ~30% from cancer. That’s it. If you exaggerate it with some ingredients, sogat becomes dangerous.

2 months ago

Some healthy foods do nothing.

You have to eat well balanced and healthy, you have to live a healthy life. Sufficient movement and liquid, no alk and cigarettes. Sufficient sleep and rest etc.

Then you can lower the risk. But not with bite black chocolate and turmeric.