Glaubt ihr, dass irgendwann in der Zukunft KI-Technologien (künstliche Intelligenz) ein eigenes Bewusstsein entwickeln werden?
Ich habe vor kurzem Mal Detroit Become Human gespielt und da kam mir die Frage auf.
Mich würde interessieren, was ihr darüber denkt
The basic problem on the matter is: We don’t know what consciousness is.
We take (and therefore I mean everyone personally for themselves, not us as a generality), because of our ego, we would be aware of. We do not know if anything or anyone else is aware or what exactly constitutes this, our consciousness. We just think we are.
Because of the similarity of other people to us, we are attesting them to be as conscious as ourselves.
Sometimes we interpete in the behavior of other species features of consciousness, namely whenever they remind us of ourselves and argue about whether this consciousness actually exists or is a construct of our perception of interpreting behavior from a specific perspective.
What follows, we cannot recognize consciousness, we can only acknowledge it or not. So either we assume that AI has consciousness or not, and if not, then there can be no Threshold after which we could attest consciousness. Then a maschine is simply never aware and point.
In addition, if you see the performance of narrow AI like ChatGPT now, the question must be asked how important consciousness is in this discussion at all. If probability in data analysis, based on sufficient data, is sufficient to generate meaning, even beauty, it can be that consciousness is a very overrated criterion for the ‘crown of creation’.
This will be guaranteed to be possible only if one gives the AI the possibilities to develop independently. It will not go to the consciousness of a human being but if there is the possibility of something similar to consciousness. Depending on what the AI will be.
Best example, the new AI from Microsoft, Google and Co. They can give you all the doctoral thesis, homework and co writing without someone who realizes it was an AI.
What is called “KI” is basically only a program that compares probabilities, so the I for intelligence is perhaps a bit exaggerated
It’s called AI. And in the end it was only to answer the questioner
He seems to be able to start something with AI as a name.
What would be possible, but at what price and what would you like to start with it? completely unclear, apart from what amounts of electricity would then be consumed. Those who are liable for errors are also unclear. The fact is that a machine would have a completely different consciousness than us. The machine could not imagine that we had consciousness.
I hope not! AI is a tool like the pen, the calculator, the PC/laptop and no longer and no less.
that is not only possible
but actually already, some paintings, happened.