Do you think we'll ever have androids from "Detroit Become Human"?
OpenAI's major project with its own AI robots and their functions is a bit scary. This won't last long, but will continue to improve until AI gets its own "body." Would that mean we could build "androids" that could only perform small tasks? Be it for space exploration, autopilot for various vehicles, etc.? I know that a fully functional android like the one from "Detroit Become Human" can't necessarily be built, but could quantum computers come to market in five years, and then a true artificial brain?
What do you think? Do you have any facts about this progress? Will there be androids in 10-20 years?
Putting an AI into a human body is an extremely bad idea. Not because of the strangely unfounded fear some people have to be replaced, but because the human body is imaginable and limited. It is already possible today to build machines that fulfill their task better than a person could ever do, so we would only artificially limit such a machine and reduce its efficiency to an unacceptable level.
Another point that is always overlooked is that an AI, even a general one from which we are probably still very far away, has no emotions and intentions. It is not about making them human, it is about making them useful. In my opinion, this misjudgment only stems from the fact that people consider using their language as human and then mix the two concepts.
Actually, I mean an artificial body that is very similar to a human (joints, muscles, etc.)
That’s what I thought. That’s not a very good idea.
Of course there will be. The developments in robotics and AI are fast. Robots such as Ameca can imitate human mimic very well and the Boston Dynamics robots can move very well. There are thousands of other companies that are investigating it. There will also be no robots that only perform small tasks. The goal is to design a robot that is versatile. We have everything else now (e.g. vacuum cleaner robots or the like). Until quantum computers come on the market, a longer time will be passed. What is a real artificial brain for you? Androids do not need a real brain and do not have to emfpinate their own feelings
For me, it would be an extremely intelligent machine that would be far ahead of the human brain(or at least the same). But bringing a quantum computer with such a power to such a small size sounds rather after 2050 or later.
Why do you need a quantum computer? AI is already much better in individual areas than the human brain (for example in chess). The previous problem was always to create an unniversal AI that is not just good in one area but in several