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This is the result of a Studyin which it is expressly stressed:
“A limitation of our study is that correlation is not equivalent to causality, as our data does not investigate possible causes for the hesitant vaccination or risky driving. One possibility is the distrust to the government or the belief in freedom that contributes both to impotence and to increased traffic risks. Another explanation could be false ideas of everyday risks, belief in natural protection, a dislike against regulations, chronic poverty, misinformation, inadequate resources or other personal beliefs. The alternative factors could include political identity, negative experiences in the past, limited health competence or social networks that lead to reservations about public health policies. These subjective unknowns remain themes for further investigations.”
Correlation and causality.
Rarely read such a bullshit:D
I’m still unvaccinated and haven’t had an accident yet. *3x knock on wood*
My brother, on the other hand, is even boostered and had a serious traffic accident this year.
So the biggest bullshit I’ve ever read.
Reading alone is not enough, you also have to understand;)
There’s probably someone who can’t keep correlation and causality apart.
And why should it be bullshit?
Journos at the limit again.
A look into the study itself and the secret is ventilated.
How @Perpendikel has already written:
Correlation and causality are two different things.
You should read the texts completely and not just the title.
In the texts it is stressed that there is not a causality here per se, but only a correlation. A possible causality is only speculated.
That’s all.
Runs in about the same rail as the statement “People who like to eat ice will become more frequent victims of robberies”.
Yeah, the comparison is going down, something, but I think the direction is clear.
The danger of drowning in a swimming pool is in the years at the highest in which Nicolas Cage publishes many films. Is statistically detectable.
It is similar to the storks and the babies:
I love statistics. Take anything and put it in relation to each other… Many good stories have emerged from this.
And even if there was a correlation, this would not prove causality for a long time.
That’s what Bias says
Rarely laughed.
How nice to have found a vaccine against car accidents now!
Do I get a discount with my vaccination pass?
As an expert, I would have expected more of you
You don’t have to be much to be an expert here
The true “experts” are the ones that embody such articles. I only keep their thoughts consistent.
In the case of such answers, one keeps remembering:D
Reading the headline is not enough;)
That makes absolutely no sense!
Do you really believe such a scam?