Glaubt ihr das fällt auf (Mama angelogen)?
Ich war grade mit meinem Bruder beim einkaufen. Ich wollte mir eigentlich nur ein Shirt kaufen und meine Mutter hat uns ausdrücklich verbiten uns nochwas zu kaufen. Trotzdem hat mein Bruder mich überredet mir und ihm Kopfhörer zu kaufen (haben zusammen ca. 18 € gekostet) und meiner Mama einfach nichts davon zu sagen.
Ich Idiot hab mich natürlich drauf eingelassen. Ich hab es zwar von meinem eigenen Geld gezahlt aber habe jetzt Angst dass meine Muter das rauskriegt und ich mächtig Ärger bekomme.
Ich würde meine Kopfhörer zuhause zwar nicht benutzen (sondern nur für Schule weil wir uns da oft Videos Anschauen müssen) aber ich kenne meinen Bruder: Er wird auch zuhause nur noch das Zeug benutzen. Er hat zwar gesagt dass er sie versteckt aber grade wenn mein Vater Abends in unser Zimmer kommt um zu prüfen ob wir um 21:00 schon schlafen würde er es sicherlich vergessen.
Glaubt ihr das fällt auf?
According to pocket money paragraphs, you can you Put money alone.
AsPocket money paragraphthe§ 110 BGBthat says that a minor who is the 7th years of age, includingwithout expressConsentthe legal representatives(usually parents) aTreatyif the minor is allowed to close the contractPerformanceby means which, for this purpose or for freeravailablehave been left to a third party by the representative or with his consent.
A minor withoutConsentof the legal representativeTreatyis deemed to be effective from the outset; if the minor is the contractPerformanceby means which, for this purpose or for freeravailablehave been left to a third party by the representative or with his consent.
This will gradually be noticed, or you don’t think about it and betray yourself.
Before that happens, what a big break of trust would be, I would show myself “rigid” and tell the mom the truth.
Excuse me for letting you seduce, buy the headphones, but take your courage together and walk the straight path, after which you will be relieved.
It is an important subject of use.
Good for you.
I’m sorry to have bought something from your own money, but it’s completely inappropriate.
It was forbidden .Contravention is disrespectful and overarching,
But there is the pocket money chart.
A minor withoutConsentof the legal representativeTreatyis deemed to have been effective from the outset if the minorPerformanceby means which, for this purpose or for freeravailablehave been left to a third party by the representative or with his consent.
A mother can’t ask to buy it, but not forbid.
I don’t see that.
Rather, it is not right for the mother to interfere in such decisions without having a good reason. You shouldn’t always listen to parents just because they’re parents. If a rule is just next to it, best to object and if that does not help ignore it.
Whether it’s going to happen, you can say so hard. If you didn’t have any headphones before, and now you suddenly have one, then that will surely be noticeable.
We already had some very different.
If they look very different visually, it can of course be noticed. It only helps to hide or not use in the presence of your parents.
I just don’t know where the problem should be if you paid it from your own money.
My brother and I already have headphones. I don’t like them (are uncomfortable and only for Bluetooth) they can’t be connected to my phone.
The new ones are much better.
But my mother is there something… strange (?)
I mean, if she gave you money and spent more on the headphones or said that the shirt would cost more than it actually cost or something, I could understand the excitement.
But if it was really your own money, it’s simple: your money, your decision. And if your mother doesn’t approve the decision to buy new headphones, she can’t care. I mean maybe she’s wasting or something, but your problem. You have less money for other things, and that’s what the thing is for them.
See above
I’ll join you in full! Start to warn you (and if it’s only sometimes and in secret as with the headphones), but do what’s in DEINEM interest or you’ll take long-term damage and later never get anywhere in adulthood. Speak out of experience, but nobody told me. All good 🙂
No, these are, as I said, highly questionable and, in part, illegal and degrading things that are done with you and everything else than a small thing. That there are such parents makes me extremely angry personally. This damages the development of children and young people sustainably. No one is allowed to treat you like this and if you don’t fight now, you’re very unsightly years before you can take off + probably long-term mental damage. Your family makes you sick and pretend to love it. She even made you so sick that you think it’s just small things and everything is fine and you don’t have self-confidence and self-confidence to fight against it.
But I don’t want to get away from home. I love my family fifa️✨ These are just little things…. aren’t they?
Well, at least you’re right. And either your family sees this at some point or with the help of the support relatively quickly, or if they treat you somewhat worse, then you will have the opportunity if you are already in contact with the youth office anyway.
No, but I wouldn’t trust me. First of all, because I stand alone against my family and I still love my family.
Do you think you’d better get rid of yourself?
Goes also about that I could never persuade my conscience to go village
Your parents can’t stop you from reporting to the therapist or youth office. You don’t have to agree with the parents.
My parents don’t allow that. My father is also very stubborn and then likes to scream through the house on the other side he is totally sweet again
Yes, you definitely need support. Youth office or family therapy. This is a list of at least questionable and also to a large extent degrading and thus illegal “pedagogical” measures.
Well. I have many prohibitions:
Then there are more so little things:
and and and… I could go on forever.
Meanwhile, I hardly dare to ask my parents about such little things or something… I’ll usually just let it be good. My brother is different
It can’t really do something. Pedagogical measures may only be prescribed on reasonable grounds and they must always be within the meaning of the child. They must not be abused and not be degrading. Because it is your own money, it would not be appropriate to punish you for that. Although it can do it first of all, it is possible to doubt the sensuality. If your mother is in general, educational support from outside might be quite appropriate. Optimum would be natural if you were in therapy or so and your therapist could support you. Otherwise, perhaps also teachers or the youth office. Depending on how vicious this is also the police (even if this doesn’t sound right now in your case, but can be. Do not have all information about your situation).
Yeah, she can’t mind, but I know my mother… She’s sooo strict that you can’t put in words
Yes, as I said. Your money, your decision. And even a relatively reasonable as I find. Don’t know what they should or should do.
Well. I’m actually a small asparagus and at least I’m around. 400€ at home in bar. In the account about 10,000€ (stand cor 2 months) saved pocket money. My parents don’t give me pocket money (but my grandma)
I don’t know what to do with the money right now except to save it.
The headphones have tasted 18€ (so for my brother and for me)
Well, and then you two learn that your actions can also generate reactions.
My brother doesn’t get any trouble anyway. Just me.
It’s your money. You can do what you want.
If it’s your money, your mother will hardly be mad!
😅 You don’t know my mother…. She’s always mad
Always mad? I bought AirPods, from my money I can buy what I want to say my parents and that should be so.
What’s wrong? So if I can ask, otherwise you will also have a PN or you will keep it for you
No, actually nothing good at home…
Hello, RhinoLover.
I can’t say exactly if your mother notices it.
Why don’t you go to your mother and tell her the truth. After all, you paid the headphones from your money.
Honesty is always best.
My mother kills me… She is very strict
Even if you paid the headphones yourself? Then you promise that something will never happen again and she can rely on you. But with your pocket money, you can buy what you want, if it’s all, you can also bear the consequences.
Then you have the best argument.
Yes, but I’ve already got a chef who gave my father to me, but I can’t connect them to my phone, which is of course a little annoying…
But you can buy what you want, even headphones.
I only get pocket money from my grandma. We don’t give money to my parents.