Glaubt ihr aus dem Sylt Video wird eine große Copyright Klage?
Ich bin mir sehr sicher das die Frau (und die anderen) auf dem Video nicht geglaubt hätten das das Video ins Internet gestellt werden würde. Außerdem wird das Video über lange Zeit ihren Ruf schädigen und im Arbeitsleben schaden.
No matter what’s coming from the whole story
Not only the singers, but also the rapporteurs, the fingerpointers and jammerers, all have exceeded the Rubikon of a meaningful reporting.
The problem, also on questions here in the forum, is that every interpretation is currently political. In less than 1 week there are elections, after which nobody is interested.
Consequently, this whole opinion is nothing but political manipulation.
I guess you wouldn’t have put it on the net.
I know a trick.
Just not be a racist A-hole
And what does this have to do with copyright? I could at most imagine that the author of the original Lite will take action for a ban.
No, it makes a lot of calls.
For calls does he do?
I hope
I don’t see a basis for that.
Possibly, a violation of personal rights could come into question, but since the persons involved were apparently not filmed secretly, but were sometimes even consciously represented in front of the camera, this will probably also have little success.
No, I don’t think so.
That would not change the fact that the racist slogans have sung.
…will have what the GEMACHT have.