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Esse ich gesund?
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Sure. This is the most natural in the world. When a man is starving, Dan he no longer acts ethically, but the body throws on the self-deservation drive and he says that cat or dog mampling.
Even though many claim the opposite, because they think they are wise, morally superior, etc., we are all just people and the strongest of all shoots, the self-conservation drive can only switch off the least.
I even think my cat wouldn’t eat me either.
In the case of cats, it has sometimes been the case that they have chased her wife or herd out of need until they have been found.
I don’t think that’s the case with my cat.
And even if… if my cat could live on, it would be fine for me.
Moin Incognito as ingenious. I’ve heard or read from people who have eaten everything that was available. wallpaper, hamster, shoes- it must be really terrible to starve. I used to feed myself without pain for two weeks only liquidly. Zack- were a pair of kilos less on the scale.
Of course not, something like that would come to my mind! Rather I would give a part of me, my animal, so that there is not starved!!! 👍😎
It was made shortly after WWII. If you’re really hungry… safe.
Yes, certainly – the will for survival would make sure.
probably I would rather eat food from the pet – and the pet would have to feed himself or would starve
If there is such a miserable lack of food, the pet is long starved before you or so migrated that there is nothing left.
Farm animals serving for nutrition are also pets in the broadest sense!
It used to be normal!
Today in the prosperity society a lot is seen differently!
No, because there is always something to eat in the free nature. Roots of certain plants, for example, you just have to know.
I don’t have a pet, but I would still eat NIMALS my pet!! I’d rather starve. That’s like, would you eat your brother/sister if you were starving right before?
clearly, when it comes to pure existence, moral limits shift
Even if I had eaten my pet would give me the vll only one-two days more to live then I can also die with him
Since I don’t have a pet, I’d probably have to eat my children, but I’d probably sacrifice myself so that my children can eat me and survive.
Mother of the Year!!!
I think that would make every mother.
Even then not. Apart from that, I’m Pescetarier.
These are the worst! hayskins before not eating animals, ABBA fish are not animals!
Biblical researcher. Was long vegetarians until I got to know that Jesus was eating fish.
So I eat fish now. But not all.
Yeah, that would happen.
I’d rather let my animal live on
Before that I would eat the prey hunt my pet or suffer the hunger death with my pet
No. There is always another possibility
Rather, I would chop my hand off so my baby survives!
No, not the other way around. We have a dog.