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2 years ago

The image used shows Firewood wood engraving(Wikipedia) showing a walker on the edge of heaven and earth. In fact, this picture is in the 19th. J. in a multi-volume work shown to say how itnotand at the same time made fun of the naivety of the narrator of a corresponding walking history.

As far as correct.

What does “parallel worlds mean? Let us first consider Multiverse:

There are considerations that allow multiverses not to be excluded. This is now consciously a very weak formulation, because there is no attempt to prove multiverses at all, but some contradictions.

For example, the multiverses would also be “space-required”, but our space is already limited to the smallest unit of the Planck length. Little one can’t. Then, somehow, “parallel spaces” would have to be created and the storytelling continues. Just thought constructs with a very thin film physics over it.

In the end, the question is how an approach with “parallel universes” is something which could be better explained (physically, not teleologically) at the moment if there were multiverses?? And if there is such a thing, then the next step is: how can I understand in an experiment that the explanation of a parallel universe would have to come about?

But this leads us to another dilemma: if there were parallel universes, they would be completely separated from our universe (see above) and thus they would have zero, in numbers: 0, influence on our universe. Then why all this?

IMHO does not exist such a thing and is used only over and over again as (broken) crutches for other things that are not easy to understand.

Or was a second earth what?

The large number of stars and of them a part as planet systems and of them a part with planets in the habitable zone does not yet say that there is also a planet underneath that had similar stable conditions over a long period of time as the Earth. The universe is not a cube cup! Processes run in one direction, pre-conditions are created that no longer allow “all possible”, but only allow an ever smaller selection of events.

With our existence and the earth we have had a lot of “good luck”. It is unclear whether such stable conditions still exist in the universe for a second time.

2 years ago

MMn isn’t really parallel worlds that aren’t even connected to portals or mystical forces…

MMn is just a fantasy concept based on infinity and probability.

In an infinite universe, the probability is small, but greater than zero, that there is a second earth that looks just like our earth. If you keep spinning, there are infinitely many of them, which also gives one to live on the people who are like us to the last detail. Until then, there are those with our own doubs, etc.

Nevertheless, this is extremely unlikely and what the ones on their planet so drive completely irrelevant to us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

Infinity does not occur in physics, as all statements lead to paradoxes.

2 years ago

The picture from 19. Century means that there can be no edge of the universe, because there must also be something behind it.

2 years ago

With infinitely many and almost infinitely large universes, there should be a repetition, even in the memory and brain structure of every human being.
If this is so, we feel all these situations as identical, no matter where or at what time. This is our perceived here and now, as the sum of all these existences.
However, I do not think that everything will necessarily have to be developed differently. The situation thus branches, and it will always decide what situation our flowing “me” is entering.

What we do not observe and what has no influence on us cannot force us to adopt a new flowing identity.

2 years ago

No, I don’t think so

2 years ago

No, I believe in parallel universes, in the same conditions as in our reign.

2 years ago

There are many parallel worlds.

2 years ago
Reply to  BubblyKoala

There are so many solar systems there just have to be.

2 years ago

The universe is so infinitely great! Why wouldn’t it be out there somewhere?

2 years ago

No, but a parallel universe

2 years ago
Reply to  BubblyKoala

But a parallel universe cannot exist in our universe as it is a second universe.