Givt es eine Kreditkarte die wie Mastercard Gold ist?
Gibt es eine Kreditkarte, eo mab auch Geld auf dem Konto sm anfang kriegt, es immer höher wird das kreditlimit von automatisch und man nichts zahlen muss, wie bei der Mastercard gold?
Noch eine Frage hätte Ich , ob es eine Kreditkartr gibt wo man 2.500€ Kauf. In raten zahlen könnte wie 12 oder 24 Monate. Würde mich sehr über Antwortrn freuen, vielen dank!
I have a Mastercard Gold. I had to “create” the five-digit loan frame and pay full every month.
I can recommend the bank Norwegian credit card.
But I would make NIE’s installment, as there are horrendous interest, no matter which credit card it is.
Please google. If you’re too lazy to look at a comparison, I won’t do it for you.
It’s normal for a credit card. If you’ve repaid the amount you’ve used for a few months, your limit will eventually be increased.
There isn’t. You don’t have to pay for any credit card. You always have to pay back the amount you use.
Most KK offer a partial payment option. For almost all or even all, this type of repayment is even preset. Don’t worry.
That’s clear to me, so you can leave.
At mastercard I have to pay monatlixh nir 40 euro or pay only on my account on it, but not pay elsewhere in an account draud. I don’t know if everyone is
So you pay 40 EUR back, and the remaining amount not paid back will be over 20% (if I know). A very expensive Fun.
Google helps.