gitarrespiel als fortgeschrittene erweitern?

helloooo, spiele jz seit 4 jahren gitarre und bin eig recht zufrieden mit meinem skillset aber ich will trzdm natürlich zukünftig besser werden, hat jmd maybe tipps usw

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1 month ago

Hi! You don’t write how you learned in the 4 years and where you stand. With “I’m very happy with my skills” you can’t start. But I guess you taught yourself everything, if you had a teacher, you would know how to go.

In the place and under the above assumption a very personal experience (was on drums, but I think that doesn’t matter here): I taught myself 10 years and then came to a point where I couldn’t play more complex things. Why? Because I had learned the basics wrong and simply didn’t have the technique to deal with advanced things … the Krux: I wasn’t aware of it at all and was also satisfied with my skills, played performances with my band and thought everything was cool. My wife gave me coaching hours with a professional for my birthday and everything came out. I put everything down to zero and took lessons and now it’s running. But it took time and in some disorders I still fall back today.

What do I want to say: my advice is exactly what to do: You have a coach to check your game and sort it in. Then you will certainly also get tips on how to develop and where it may be jammed. I don’t believe you can learn an instrument without a teacher or a coach right now. You play and do, but it simply lacks the controlling and improving look.

If that’s not for you, but that’s my tip. Keep fun with the guitar.


1 month ago

Keep practicing. Learning new skills etc