Gitarrenunterricht /Fortschritt?
Heyy ich bin 14 und in 2 Monaten 15 und wollte unbedingt Gitarrenuntericht nehmen(was ich demnächst auch machen werde)ich kann bisher so paar einfache Lieder und paar akkorde spielen jedoch ist meine frage wenn man so ca 30min pro tag übt +1 mal in der woche gitarren unterricht hat ob man dann nach 3 jahren gut spielen kann und theoretisch ne band gründen kann und vielleicht paar Lieder rausbringen kann.
Hi! You can do a lot, it always depends on staying with reality and knowing where you stand, but also where you want to go. And then to work there specifically.
You don’t have to know all the chords to make appearances, you can also do that with 3 – 4 chords, so you can play zig songs… it also depends on how to play them. And in order to record songs you only need a USB interface, a computer and a corresponding micros. But, of course, this is not enough to fill stages and get golden records. That’s what I mean to do one step after another.
Learn the basics on the guitar for a while, the hardest you do, the better your wounds are, and that makes you easier to learn and interact with others.
In time you can look for musicians and start your band. This alone takes until everyone is together. Then you need your sample room and time to find you and build up a repertoire, so from an hour you could, for example, appear somewhere as a pretext or play up at a private celebration. These are all the experiences you should do.
The next is the plant, the more the performance you need, and then the transport problem comes. I play in a ClassicRockCoverband percussion and if we play bigger gigs (and these are for us bigger 100 people), then we need at least three cars until the complete setup incl. Pa and light is invited.
I was 18 when I started, we were schoolmates at the time and were lucky that the band found itself relatively fast. Then it took a good year until we had our first repertoire ready. Then we played the first gig. A year later, we took 4th place at a junior band festival with our self-composed songs.
For us, the question of how to proceed. Put everything on music, or stay on a hobby. Since we were all already in training and all of us were already in middle 20, we said we were staying with the hobby. I never regretted that. I’ve been doing this for 30 years now, have a week of band rehearsal, from time to time a drum coaching with a teacher and how it results we play appearances in barbecue huts, private parties and club celebrations for “Weck and Wurscht”. Nothing has to, everything can. And my salary was always there, I never depended on the music.
Of course there are other ways, but you can also be musicians. Nothing is given to you, start, learn diligently and do not lose sight of DEIN goal. Nothing prevents you from trying. Have fun and sorry if I bore you with my story.
He’s still young, he’s got time. I’m 27 and well, I already have the advantage of having musicians, and so far I’ve been more slow.
Thank you
Performances and recordings are rather unrealistic.
Your project would be possible if you work efficiently and effectively on you. But keep this learning motivation from 4.5h/week for 3 years. This is the real challenge. After a month at the latest, most people fall into a inertia that is no longer sufficient.
A band can be found and would also be a great thing. However, it takes time to raise a band.
Thirty minutes a day. You should take 1-2 hours, so you might have to put other interests in the back.
A teacher’s fine, but it’s costing, something’s fine. The only thing that helps is to stay on. And as far as possible not to practice too many different songs, but to remain with relative simple things. Songs suitable for practice:
Bob Dylan – Knockin On Heaven’s Door
Spider Murphy Gang – Where are you
Kingston Trio – Tom Dooley
If the teacher fits you and you practice daily?
Yes, then it will be as far as possible without any problems to be bandable.
It is important that you start with the guitar you want to start with. So if you want to play electric guitar, start with an electric guitar.
And very important: Test the right guitars for you, because the better the guitar is, the better it learns.
Thank you
Oh, babe, your optimistic thoughts honor you. 😌👍
Know some people who went quite fast towards Coverband. Sure, there weren’t really big things yet, but I think it’s important that you act on a similar level and have fun.
In three years, some basic techniques and routine are possible.
Brr… I’m asking you to apologize for this spelling mistake!
Aaach yes, my opinion on cover bands. 😌😄
Oh, jepp. That’s it.
I got it hundreds of thousands(?) Male ge(fr)agt: “It is not a question of talent or guitar! The question you have to ask is: “Are you ready to put money in you and your guitar arts?”
Ask these questions about your new guitar teacher. Tell him you want to play in a band. Ask him for electric guitar or Western guitar or pop guitar (there are very different directions and bands). Rock, Pop, Blues, you have to find a focus for you. Have a piece in mind what you want to play with the guitar in a band and tell your teacher. Then you can see what a genre it is and whether a Western guitar or perhaps a concert guitar is played there. He’ll help you with it and look forward to your interest.
30min a day is great, some pupils do not practice at all, he will be happy. But if that’s enough later? A whole song is so great that you want to do more than 30 minutes. Thinking out text, picking out chords and and, and, that should not be a burden of “I do but only 30min.” Well, in turn, you could say I’m setting a clear time limit of 30 minutes songwriting intensively before I’m just rolling around again.
For let this be said before you go to class; The practice itself must also be practiced. If you tell your teacher I’ve been doing the days for 30 minutes, but you’ve got the TV running in front of you, look here and there out of the window, the little sister comes in between and distracts you, quickly on Instagram, WhatsApp here and there, then that has little to do with practicing. You should stay focused on the matter and need an undisturbed atmosphere. This is sometimes 5min hard to maintain the concentration, depending on the piece, I speak from my own experience 😅
Greetings and great success!
Thank you
After 3 years determined, I am learning bass 😸
Thank you.