Guitar strings stick out so far from the fret?
Is it normal for the strings to stick out so far from the fret? My guitar normally has six strings and is in tune. Is there anything I can do about it, or is this normal?
Is it normal for the strings to stick out so far from the fret? My guitar normally has six strings and is in tune. Is there anything I can do about it, or is this normal?
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Hey, that’s normal, the string must have enough room to swing. The exact distance is a bit different from guitar and guitar, but the picture looks quite normal. 🙂 It is usually easy to get used…
Can you do something if the fingertips have such indentations and are sensitive to the strings? I had already had such fingertips shooters but I couldn’t play with them at all because they came to others, that was not to prevent
I always have, the fingers get used to time, or grows cornea. You can also see if you have steel or nylon strings. With steel strings, it’s a lot more. Much is accusation, but if something really bothers you when playing, go back to a music shop and let yourself be advised.
I think I have both. The upper 3 believe steel strings and the lower 3 are so transparent and I used to say.
It looks like too high a string position, and the neck looks like he wasn’t straight. If it is adjustable, I would set it right until it is straight and then check the string position again. 😊
Thank you. The neck is already straight, the picture has just become a little crooked 😅
I meant that the neck is bent, but if not, the better 😊
Then it comes to the type of guitar, and especially to your way of playing ðŸTM‚