Gitarren Tuning auf einer Ukulele?


hab meinem Jungen letztens zum einsteigen eine Ukulele gekauft.

Jetzt benutze ich sie mehr als mein kleiner aber mich stört das Ukulele Standard Tuning glaub gcea. Vorallem wenn ich Gitarre gewohnt bin.

Kann ich die Ukulele nicht auf eadg oder dgbe stimmen?

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2 years ago


first of all sorry for all the requests, I was a little confused 😀 – Let’s get to the thing:

Basically, you can vote for a Ukulele as you want, but not expect too much of it. The strings are labbrig, or too tight, it sounds stupid, or even good. These are all things that occur there.

As has been written below, this will not work on a tenor and also on a soprano or concert, I can assure you. And even on a baritone it will be terrible – so unfortunately you can forget that:(.

But there is a compromise: a low-g tuning. For this, you pack another special string on the first string from above and tune it one octave deeper. This creates a wonderful, warm and quite voluminous sound.

But if you’re interested in it, there’s something to do. This is a guitar, also with 6 strings, only on the size of a ukulele – fun thing, but of course there also a reconciliation.

– Conclusion –

Unfortunately, as I said, the guitar tuning will not work. There are compromises, like a different tuning, but the guitar will not be able to do it because it is not physically possible.

I hope your question is answered. Questions? You’re welcome.


2 years ago
Reply to  nukuomu

Give him the star he wrote you a long text.

2 years ago
Reply to  nukuomu

Yeah, that’s a good difference.

Ukulele can be well studied alongside guitar, otherwise focus on the ukulele!

2 years ago

You know me.

2 years ago

Vando, you’re a treasure.

2 years ago

I don’t think a tenor Ukulele is. My Bariton Ukulele is tuned to DGHE. What’s normal for her.

2 years ago
Reply to  nukuomu

That’s brilliant at Bariton. I hardly had to change my mind. Just missing the two deep strings to the guitar, that was. 🙂

2 years ago

So with the strings on it are certainly not!!! If at all, you would have to take up other strings, the Ukulelen standard tune has different thin and thick strings alternating – not as with guitar E, A, D, G, b, e – here the strings are arranged from thick to thin. At the Ukulele yes nich!!!

Whether there are extra strings for EADG, ADGB or DGBE, you need to research! 😉

2 years ago

dghe is possible but not with Ukulelensaiten. I think it’s a thicker custom-made thing or a baritonukulele. Barironukulelen are almost small four-string guitars and are often tuned dghe’.

eadg is uncommon.

Everything would be the question: How does the g’c’e’a irritate you? If it’s just the g’ string then you can take a deep g string, I’ll do it.