Find a current account, post office account, BIC?
Hello, I would like to find my BIC, but I have no idea where to find it. Could someone help me?
Hello, I would like to find my BIC, but I have no idea where to find it. Could someone help me?
Hallo hallo, Unzwar verkaufe ich schon seit ein paar Monaten auf Vinted, jedoch nicht über die bazhlfunktion. Ich Blicke da nicht ganz durch. Ich verkaufe über mein Bankkonto sprich: Sie bekommen den zu zahlenden Betrag und meine IBAN , überweisen das Geld Das Paket oder Päckchen wird verschickt. Ist das rein gesetzlich erlaubt? Oder muss…
Hello, I would like to take out a loan to pay for some things that have been getting me down in the last few months. While looking for a loan, I have received offers but unfortunately they have been rejected time and again. The reason is the direct debits I get every month, which I…
When I was in Italy, I couldn't use my credit card or my savings bank card to pay. I couldn't even pay online or book a hotel with my credit card. Why was that so
Hallo. mein dad hatte am Mittwoch ca. Geld überwiesen damit wir uns essen kaufen können auf das Konto von meiner Schwester. Jedoch hat sie jederzeit Schulden drauf und anscheinend wurde es entweder davon abgebucht oder sie hatte es sich geholt. Was denkt ihr? Der jetzige Betrag auf dem Konto: -90€ ~. Das geld was mein…
After making a payment on PayPal, it said the payment was canceled. Is my money gone now, or will I get it back?
Hello, I canceled an eBay sale today but haven't sent the item yet. I'm worried that I'll have to pay now when I haven't received the money yet, precisely because I clicked "Cancel," or did I do it right? my account was at 0 Something is deducted from my account and she now gets the…
The BIC of the Postbank is POPULATION or PBXXX (the three X are irrelevant).
PS: I just think that for accounts that since beginning 2023 have been opened, account numbers are assigned according to the scheme of the Deutsche Bank, and thus other bank codes and BICs are also valid, which are apparently regionally different.
It should be on the debit card.
If you here under “IBAN Check/Relaunch“Indicate your IBAN, then the BIC will be displayed.
On your bank card
It’s on your card.