Girokarte = Kreditkarte?
Wollte heute mal wieder ein Hotelzimmer buchen, aber mir ist nicht ganz klar ob meine Commerzbank Girokontokarte als Kreditkarte gilt….Fakt ist, dass auf meiner Girokarte ein MaestroCard Symbol drauf steht aber macht das diese zugleich zur Kreditkarte welche ich bei internationalen Hotelbuchen angeben kann?
No. A current card is not a credit card!
Maestro has nothing to do with credit cards. I think you’re confusing with Mastercard.
A Girocard is a debit card, which means your account is directly charged with the amount.
A credit card has a credit frame within which the credit card company collects and is then debited from the account once a month. In addition, it usually costs an extra fee.
The Maestro payment system is an exit model for Girokarten. As a rule, no Maestro cards have been issued since July 2023.
No. A current card is a debit card. Your account is immediately charged with the corresponding amount.
For reservation, booking, deposit and payment of hotels, a credit card is regularly required, i.e. a card with credit frame.
No, you should order at least the Commerzbank Debit Mastercard. Depending on the account model is free or 3.50€ mtl.
A current card is not a credit card.
Hi, no, I’m sorry. Maestro is just a “payment billing method”, with a credit card this has nothing to do here