Gips stinkt Mega dolle nach 3 Tagen?
Habe jetzt seit 3 Tagen einen Gips am Fuß und muss sagen er stinkt Mega dolle nach Schweiß… bis zum gipswechsel dauert es noch über eine Woche und ich weiß nicht wie ich das aushalten soll , den Geruch locken auch Insekten an weshalb konstant fliehen und andere kleinen Tiere auf meinen Zehen sind was so juckt und stört…
was kann man dagegen tun und war das bei euch auch so ?
With me a little deo and shaving water helped well, but should talk to your doctor beforehand
That sounds bad and I’m sorry 🫣. I don’t think I could do that either. Whether there is a chance to talk to a doctor who explains how to make a new gypsum yourself? What to pay attention to? Or maybe there’s a removable foot rail you could buy? I’d talk to your attending doctor. That’s not a state. Not for “just a week.” Especially if cattle are already dressed.
Jaaa, I need to inform myself it’s so fucking…
foot rail or so would be a dream haha
I’ve already got a removable rail because there was no plaster in my size. There I was still a teenager and seemingly prefabricated gypsum rails were stored for a gypsum, which were only joined together. So I was insanely lucky, could scratch me or get very careful into the bathtub.
Such stable bandages exist for each part of the body.
You could try Deo or shaving water. If you have an open wound under the plaster, you should use alcohol-free, e.g. razor balm.
Best to ask the doctor again. A call should be enough.
Does shaving water really help so well?
In any case, it acts against bacteria. They make pups or kacka in your plaster.
Baby powder might be another way to bind the sweat.
There are special upholstery. Get them then you can ask your doctor to make a new gypsum. You can swim with a shower and get dry half an hour later. Pays
Definitely. Just in summer.
Krass was also my finger injury with tendon severing. After removing the bandage, the doc could simply remove a thick layer of skin.
Our body is a fantastic work of art!
Yes, I know, unfortunately you have to go through this!
A little deo or shaving water could be helpful!