Gilt notwendige finanzielle Unterstützung der Familie zu dem Bürgergeld um alle Fixkosten zu decken, als “Geldgeschenk”, welches das Bürgergeld nur reduziert?

Hallo zusammen,

wenn man Bürgergeld (inkl. Wohnkosten) erhält (1. Jahr), dieses aber nicht ausreicht um die monatlichen Fixkosten zu decken und hinzu noch quartalsweise, halbjährlich und jährliche Fixkosten kommen, die die jeweiligen Monat zusätzlich belasten, gilt dann die finanzielle Unterstützung von der Familie, um dies alles aufzufangen, als “Geldgeschenk”, welches gegen das Bürgergeld in dem jeweiligen Monat gerechnet wird und dieses entsprechend mindert, was im Prinzip “nichts bringt”, außer die Familie zusätzlich zu belasten? 

Und wenn ja, wie soll man ohne zusätzliche Hilfe, die von der Familie möglich wäre, zurechtkommen? 

Danke für eure Hilfe.

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4 months ago

Financial gifts are of course incomes and are expected to be reduced accordingly.

4 months ago

Yes financial support of the family counts as a gift for money, which is also a gift for money. I’m counting.

You have to learn to cover your needs from the available money. Or the family should do a shopping instead of transferring money.

4 months ago

Is there necessary financial support for the family to cover all fixed costs as a “money gift” that only reduces the citizen’s money?

That’s it.

4 months ago

Yes such regular money gifts are of course also counted as a citizen’s money, and if you don’t get the money, you’ll have to do better households.

4 months ago
Reply to  Krait333

Think, the simplest of all the possibilities is that the money is not gifts but is given to you a credit from the family, of course, you have set up a credit contract by committing yourself to repaying all the money if that can actually happen then no person can control you must also be a little creative

4 months ago

Yes, of course the family can lend you money, you can also go to a bank and take a loan there, because you often don’t see the money and if it’s only for a short time with you, that makes sense.

4 months ago

Yes, of course!

If the family otherwise gets financial support, we have to pay taxpayers less for this family.
It’s logical.

And if you don’t get clear with the money, you have to live more economical and reduce your fixed costs.