Gilt dieses Ticket auch für den bus?
Folgende Situation: ich will ein Zugticket kaufen, um von Stadt A nach Stadt B zu fahren (sind ca.13 km). Ich muss in Stadt B noch mit dem Bus fahren. Meine Mutter meint allerdings, dass dieses Ticket auch für den Bus nutzbar ist und ich somit kein neues Ticket für den Bus kaufen muss. Geht das wirklich? Bevor ich schwarz fahre wollte ich Mal sichergehen.
Danke im Vorraus
That’s the ticket you bought.
Maybe you have a city option on the long-distance traffic, maybe you have a ticket in a traffic network. then you can usually use local traffic for a trip in the destination area.
You may have bought a ticket that does not have this option. then you need to buy a special ticket
In the FV you have to book the benefits from boarding to final boarding. not just the train. But the local transport line, which does not cost a surcharge.
In local traffic, the composite area is not about the vehicle. Do you imagine this in the city traffic I can only drive Strab and have to buy me an extra bus ticket? Cities also belong to traffic associations.
Otherwise, if you override the connection limit, then you need a new area ticket not vehicle-bound ticket.
This depends on the rate for this route.
Since the tariffs in local transport differ regionally, this cannot be answered in general.
In Baden-Württemberg, for example. There is a nationwide uniform fare for bus and train in local transport. There are no longer any roles in connecting borders.