Gilt die polizeiliche und generelle Gleichbehandlung auch in Österreich und der Schweiz?

In Deutschland ist es so, dass Polizisten bei einer Durchsuchung von einem Mensch einer Gleichbehandlung verpflichtet ist. Das bedeutet, dass Männer nur von Männern und Frauen nur von Frauen durchsucht werden dürfen. Gleiches müssen auch Sicherheitsleute/Wachleute beachten. Gilt diese Regelung auch in Österreich und der Schweiz?

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3 months ago

Yes except the person pulls the jacket off the jacket may search the jacket aich one person from the other. And miserable from the other can also cause the suspect to sack

3 months ago
Reply to  Nill

Thanks for the star 🌟

3 months ago

Does police and general equal treatment also apply in Austria and Switzerland?


The physical search, the scanning of persons is a considerable intervention in the fundamental rights of the person who, apart from being in danger in a deceitful or serious offence, has to be carried out in the same way.

Exceptions are if the person to be searched could carry weapons or explosives and if a police officer of the same sex is not present, the request to the place would be disproportionate.

In SEK Locations, the risk of assessing the person is higher than the intervention in the fundamental rights of the police counterpart.

3 months ago

BV Switzerland:

Art. 8Legal equality

1 All men are equal before the law.