Gilt das Wochenende zur Krankmeldung (ohne ärztliches Attest), wenn ich mich als angestellte Lehrkraft vom Mittwoch bis Freitag krankgemeldet habe?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich benötige eine korrekte Antwort nach Vorschriften (etc.) für meine Frage bezüglich:

Gilt das Wochenende zur Krankmeldung (ohne ärztliches Attest), wenn ich mich als angestellte Lehrkraft vom Mittwoch/oder Donnerstag bis Freitag krankgemeldet habe? Wenn ja, dann warum?

Warum wird bei einer Krankmeldung (ohne Attest) am Freitag auch das Wochenende mitbezogen? ( Kopf- oder Bauchschmerzen etc. müssen nicht länger als ein Tag dauern). Kann mir jemand die neuen Vorschriften erklären?

Mir wurde gesagt, es betrifft mich, weil ich Angestellte bin. Stimmt es? Und wenn ja, warum?

Vielen lieben Dank für Eure Antworte!

Schöne Grüße,


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3 months ago

No. If you are sick until and including Friday, you will be able to work again from Saturday.

It depends on what contract you have. Cashiers, nurses, paramedics, police officers and all the others who also have to work on weekends have to come to work again Saturday.

Otherwise you should be allowed to give up to and including Sunday or such an AUB.

I do not know how your working hours are regulated as a teacher.

3 months ago
Reply to  Metamorfosa522

You are only sick by Friday

If you don’t work on the weekend, it’s a normal weekend where you don’t have to work as a teacher with a high degree of probability, and you could do your side job, for example.

3 months ago

Well, first you say you work 5 days a week, then you say that the weekend is coming. If I work for 7 days a week, I must logically have 5 days written off if I don’t go on Wednesday and I’m back on Monday.

But perhaps it is really typical of written communication instead of a phone call or personal conversation.

I’m sorry if I got over arrogant.

3 months ago

Your AU is valid as long as it is on the certificate. You have it black on white or black on yellow.

It sounds to me after a 7-day week and not 5. As you described.

3 months ago

Are you serious?? If you leave you sick for two weeks, you are missing 10 days depending on the contract of employment. Weekend doesn’t count. Who of us was another teacher?

Are holiday days or holidays?

3 months ago

Then you can work Saturday. Is that so hard?

3 months ago

It depends on how your working hours are regulated in your work contract. Either the secretary has mistransmitted the learning content from the training, misunderstood, or the mistake was with you.

3 months ago

That would be interesting if you were still sick on Monday. Otherwise it doesn’t matter – or where exactly does the shoe press?

Because of the AU? You don’t need one unless you’re still sick on Monday or there’s something different in your contract.

3 months ago

You’ll get sick for the days you need to work on.

For longer periods of sick leave, the weekend must be included, otherwise there are problems with sick leave.

3 months ago

As far as I know, a medical report applies only to working days. If you are ill up to and including Friday, you need to work Monday again if it is not a weekend work.

3 months ago

By Friday is Friday. That’s it.

3 months ago

If you’re sick by Friday, you’re not even on weekends, unless the disease goes on Monday to “extension”.