Gilera dna 50 schneller als 45km/h machen?

Ich habe gehört das man bei der Gilera dna 50 (50ccm) die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung entfernen kann und so die ganze Kraft des Motors ausnutzen kann. Wie macht man das und wenn das nicht geht, kann man die schneller machen?

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3 years ago


make faster

distance ring out, better vario

even faster

drenumber limiter and elbow on, open chip

even faster

sport exhaust and sport coupling

even faster gasifiers optimally tune and customize air filters

130kmh is possible but dangerous and illegal

3 years ago

What you hear? ^^

Even the Zündapp mountaineers were able to quickly make the use of other pinions, the change in the gear ratio, and a thick elbow and another carburetor nozzle 70 km/h.

The name Zündschlapp has therefore established itself, because the peak power decreases rapidly for this.

The Peugeot 103 was a legendary Mofa.Here, top speeds of more than 100 km/h were reached. As soon as you upgraded it, it was confiscated and is now in the police museum.

Today you have built a few blockades.But they can also be overcome.But the police’s role-testing booth, almost unknown, is built on every corner.And you don’t list.^^

Leave your fingers. It’s not worth it.

Maybe you buy a GDR moped, a Simson .You can regularly drive 60 km/h.

3 years ago

Doesn’t know exactly how the throttle is, but it’s almost always the same for scooters:

Carburetor throttle (clutch off gas train, remove throttle)

Vario throttle (Vario with screwdriver, remove throttle ring, or change Vario completely for example a Multivar)

E throttle: CDI regulates against open CDI pockets.

Exhaust throttle: Cut out throttle or install a sport exhaust.

After all this a scooter then runs about 60 -80 km/h.

Note that if you don’t have an A1 driver’s license, you drive without a driver’s license for the vehicle, which can be very expensive.

3 years ago
Reply to  Melanie9119

There is also no a1 because only without a driver’s license falls away as a penalty, driving without insurgency still remains and so poses problems to the driver’s license

3 years ago

I’m not telling you that. You lose your insurance cover and make sure your innocent casualties have to stay on a mountain debt. You know what a financial burden can mean a wheelchair? Next, you only have your driver’s license up to 45 km/h and you’re in control, which is called driving without a driving permit. These are prison sentences up to 1 year and without insurance cover for 6 months. But as a German, you can drive a Simson Schwalbe, registered at GDR times at 60 km/h and was mentioned in the agreement agreement. This also applies to new driving licences.

3 years ago

that is technically not a big thing.

but with it you are standing outside the legality! not only that you move a vehicle for which you do not have a driving license, which has still lost its business permit and thus insurance protection by the manipuilation.

If you get caught, you can get the next legal license. e.g. forget the A1 or make it much later than others in your age.

3 years ago