Gigabyte b550 Wlan Antenne geht nicht?
Hallo liebe Community,
Wollte heute fragen, warum ich mich mit dem WLAN nicht verbinden kann trotz dass die Treiber installiert worden sind nicht auf das WLAN zugreifen… Ich brauche bitte deswegen eure Hilfe
Danke euch Ihr Lieben ♥️
I assume that your WLAN router is properly set up? You should have a stable internet Wi-Fi (e.g. on the phone)!
The Gigabyte B550 is the motherboard. First, you should see if the WLAN has to be enabled in the BIOS/UEFI.
Then you should check the drivers: the chipset driver for the motherboard and the adapter drivers for the network adapters. A separate software for network functionality is also necessary.
If you have not activated a DHCP (automatic network configuration) in the router, you must manually set up the Internet connection on the PC in the “Network and Release Center”.
In your question, you’re going to the antenna. Check whether the internal WLAN antenna is properly plugged into the WLAN module.
If you are already connected to the router via a LAN cable, a second Internet connection via WLAN is not possible. You have to decide: either LAN or WLAN! I recommend – if possible – basically prefer the LAN connection. It is recommended to deactivate the network adapter that is not required in each case.