gibt’s noch Research Chemicals die mal legal bestellen kann?

gibt’s noch Research Chemicals die mal legal bestellen kann?

oder wurde mittlerweile alles verboten?

und ist es erlaubt die Seiten hier zu posten? wenn ja, könnte das gern machen!

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1 year ago

Good question is not a suitable forum for the exchange of addresses where drugs of any kind are available.

Why not?
Because here already 11 – 12 years old and you could be one of them.

My advice:
Cannabis is legalized/decriminalized next year.
If you have the (actually) required minimum age for drug use (with 18 years, ideally after completion of puberty), you now have sufficient lead time to read information about the learning of oral cannabis use.

Reading tip: “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer