gibt,s mehr Umsatz, wenn der Einzelhandel jetzt auch am Sonntag öffnet?

spült es mehr Geld in die Kasse, wenn der Einzelhandel bei Galeria zB zur Lebensmittelversorgung jetzt auch am Sonntag öffnet, um den Bedürfnissen der Kundschaft gerecht zu werden und weil das am Urlaubsort im Ausland ja auch so ist oder sollte der Sonntag der Familie gewidmet sein!

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10 months ago

I don’t think that’s gonna be bought anymore. I was even 20 years in retail. It then only more , due to the long opening hours from 8 am to 6 pm to 7 am to 10 pm, is no longer sold. The customers who have arrived at 8 o’clock in the morning just come later and therefore no 2 breads or so are bought;) I experience it again and again on Sunday in the Rewe at the main station what is bought milk/ eggs or pawn bottles are released by students and pensioners. Where is the added value? This is even supported laziness. Honestly. Who does not do so between 7 am to 10 pm MO-SA ..

In foreign countries, however, the shops later grow up and in the evening, and SO often only have 2 hours..

So is the day of the family what if Papa/Mama have to work?

10 months ago

certainly not, the turnover is only distributed more.

I will therefore no longer eat (will) so no longer buy

10 months ago

That Sunday is a special day is outdated. Many people already work on Sundays and only shift their weekend – even split it. This is modern and we do not have to adhere to traditions.

At a resort it also works if the shops – I don’t want to say – have opened 24 hours. People want to be entertained and shopping is high. Whether Galeria would benefit from it, I dare to doubt it. Because the business is not really to be found in resorts. Furthermore, no man needs Galeria. It’s just that.

8 months ago

Laengere shop opening times, in particular Sunday meetings, lead to a higher consumption behaviour and thus also to higher re-seals. This is of course only for those who have the money. But it’s about them too.

8 months ago
Reply to  DerCaveman

I don’t think so. The multi-reaction currently generated by Sunday openings cannot be counted on a continuous opening time on Sundays, since Sunday openings are currently rather special.

Consumers would certainly use the Sunday openings, but less than a week, so there will be a shift in sales as others have already noted. For Galeria it can also be disadvantageous because they need additional staff, which also wants to be paid with a Sunday supplement. As is known, personnel costs are among the largest cost-benefits of a company.

8 months ago

No, it only brings longer opening hours. For many, perhaps practical, but more is not sold.

8 months ago
Reply to  Goodnight

above all by more staff more costs

8 months ago
Reply to  peterobm

Exactly, I also know shops where the staff must work for more hours of work for the same wage.

8 months ago

is called exploitation

if you fall under the minimum wage … big problem

10 months ago

I think it’s hard to guess. It may be that there are more revenues on Sundays, but for this it is less than before on the other weekdays.

10 months ago

Not really.
Sales will only be distributed.

When food retailers think they have to have 24/7 now, nix changes to the people in the country.
The same number of people will consume as much as before.

If the employees get to work, they will also receive more money that they can spend, but until all areas have gone through, you will not notice it in statistics.
Perhaps sales will change because people can then put more money into the quality of food, but this is so small measurable because you cannot freeze all other factors.

8 months ago
Reply to  csor77

The reason why many dealers turned back to 22 hours until 24 hours.

9 months ago

Not necessarily. Many also think when the store has opened Sundays I do not go shopping Saturday.

10 months ago

No, of course not. For this purpose, customers would have to eat more and probably not just because the business has longer.

10 months ago

Sure. The more retail money the more sales revenue.

8 months ago

Sales will shift over time.

10 months ago

No. Everybody buys what he needs. Only he would have more time to choose from.

10 months ago

I can’t imagine the turnover will be lower. the store has opened 7 days. that spreads