Are there any prevention measures against non-substance-related addictions?
For example, the addiction to stealing (kleptomania) or video game addiction, sex addiction, etc.
For example, the addiction to stealing (kleptomania) or video game addiction, sex addiction, etc.
Have you ever had that feeling when you were high and walking outside, that the path seems so long and takes you a long time? Where does that come from?
Hello, I wanted to ask if it's okay to eat while on ecstasy? Because I'm really hungry but don't feel like throwing up.
Some of the nicest and sweetest people I knew as a young adult are now addicted to drugs and have changed completely as a result. The longer and more often they take drugs, the more you notice a drastic change in their character and personality. As if they were just a shell. Is something like…
Hey, ich habe folgendes Problem: ich hatte vor ca. 2 Wochen einen Badtrip von Cannabis (Hash) und hatte währenddessen starke Todesängste und co. Aber vor allem hatte ich eine veränderte Wahrenehmung, also ich habe die Sachen irgendwie verspätet bzw. verzögert wahrgenommen. Ich kann das schwer beschreiben, aber ich habe z.B. nachdem ich lange irgendwo hingeschaut…
Do you smoke weed often
In our school preventions, we are actually talking about all addictions, even the non-binding ones mentioned by you. I do not know whether there are prevention projects, where these are only themes. With us it is so that it depends on which topics students want to edit. But especially zoking, pornography or social media are very common topic among us.
Best regards
Peter vom DigiStreet-Team der Drughilfe Schwaben
Good explanation – vote