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2 years ago

Naja der Physiklehrer würde sagen, schaut in den Himmel in die Sterne, das Licht ist so lange unterwegs, die gibt es vielleicht gar nicht mehr. Das sei sowas wie Zeitreisen.

Aber ich hoffe das gibt es nicht. Stell dir mal vor du reist in die Vergangenheit und vermurkst irgendwas und dann gibt es dich gar nicht oder wenn du zurück willst ist alles anders. Oder du reist in die Zukunft und erfährst, dass sie für dich richtig mies wird. Wer will das wirklich wissen?

2 years ago

Yeah, I can. In our culture came the first detection by Schopenhauer, who showed in his dissertation that time and space are one and time is a dimension, just like the space. Furthermore, in its main work, it shows that subject and object are completely different. Although the body of a person is trapped in space linearly, his mind is not and can travel through time. From this basic standpoint, a whole series of logical conclusions arise, which completely question the linearity of time and subjectes time to the will. Thus, a person would have to be able to travel through time and space by his will alone.

2 years ago

No, not yet. But even as we know it from series or films, it would hardly be possible. And if that’s the only way we could travel to the future, but not to the past.

This video is also suitable for scientific consideration of time travel:

2 years ago

As far as I know, we’ve never received visits from time travelers from the future.

2 years ago
Reply to  balluax

Then everything is clear – there are time travels;-)

2 years ago

You have to discuss facts? Why?

There are no time travels. Point. Or do you have so much energy and capacity to run or reverse all the processes throughout the entire university including all life processes?

2 years ago

I don’t think it’s possible. Not as you imagine.

2 years ago

Sure. We all travel constantly in time – to the future! 😛

Everything else… nee, it doesn’t work.