Gibt es wirklich Leute, die jahrelang für den Autoführerschein brauchen?
Meine Nachbarin hat eben erzählt, dass sie mal eine Kollegin hatte, die sage und schreibe 5 Jahre für den Auto Führerschein gebraucht hat!!! Ich war geschockt, und ich Frage mich, warum hat sie so lange gebraucht?? Konnte meine Nachbarin auch nicht beantworten
Gibt’s wirklich Leute, die Jahre Brauchen, um den Führerschein zu schaffen??
Aber warum? Was könnten die Gründe dafür sein?
There are. And some don’t make it after years.
A typical reason would be simple: money – driving hours are expensive and some people actually have to “saving away from the mouth”.
Accordingly, they can take a few driving hours, which already lengthens the driving training, and the slower learning success through a little exercise then extends the project driving licence even more.
Conversely, there are also people who have too many other obligations (training, work, family…) and correspondingly rarely have time for the driving school – the driving licence is then not priority number 1.
And, of course, there are also those who learn to drive easily falls and therefore have to practice long enough to pass the test.
Thanks for the star!
During my driving test, the examiner was slightly upset that the test was out of my mind, because the rider simply did not come.
The reason was that the money was no longer enough for the thirteenth exam…
So there’s something like that.
I can’t explain how to do this….
13.?! Krass….that I’d have given up long ago and would have noticed that I’m not suitable to drive on the streets
Yes, there is. However, they are not in the driving school all the time.
Fear of testing.