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Of course a lot:
General: Hygiene, (optics), healthier (STIs and two cancers in the man significantly reduced and with the woman one), no inflammation, no slippage of condoms in long foreskin
Specific: Correction of Phimosis, Frenulum breve, inflammation
A circumcision is sometimes necessary in the case of pre-skin narrowing and similar diseases.
If it is necessary for medical reasons, this must be the case, even if it is a mutilation.
There are medical reasons, but you probably don’t think so.
I had no medical reasons. I’ve been circumcised since my childhood. It was my greatest wish. It took a long time until I became aware and decided (total jammed childhood and education).
I never regret the decision. Now I am happy and feel without the foreskin as a whole person. It’s all the same as before, just that I’m cut. Now I have an inner rest where I used to be restless.
This may not be so common, but my career.
What was wrong in your childhood?
You asked a question and I answered honestly. Now too, I honestly answer your question: nothing was wrong!
Do you feel something wrong with you?
For my circumcision were the reasons: Preventing pre-skin inflammations (more often in my family) and diseases, hygiene (young take that with that which washes under the fore skin rarely seriously), handling in general (no narrowing, codom overdrawing simpler, pinking better straight), appearance (see how born without fore skin) and tradition (with me in the family are all boys/men trimmed.
Whether you leave these reasons is another question.
A strong Phimosis, for example. Paraphimosis too.
There is a lot to talk about circumcision with the boy/man. There would be a phimosis, a paraphimosis or an inflammation of the foreskin but also a very long foreskin, which can be very disturbing during sex or SB.
I think there are so many reasons to be circumcised.
And that’s what I’m saying when someone was wrinkled, and in the adult age, they’ve been cut off voluntarily.
And I’m very happy to cut.
and what are the reasons?
There isn’t really enough. One should set an age limit for this
the person can decide it later. Only because the parents want it does not mean that the child/adult also finds great.
Except for e.g. Phimose or similar
What is that wisdom? Medically untenable!
Yes, maybe in a non-other way of treating phimosis, but even there, those concerned have been able to have sex without problems: vaginal and anal. And there’s another reason out of the window.
Exactly, it is possible to leave a pimosis completely healthy without REINIGATION of the acorn untreated for decades. Who believes this fairy tale?
There is only one if there is a strong pimose that is no different to get in touch!
Otherwise, it is an unnecessary sexual mutilation.
Yes many things
better hygiene, prevent phimose and inflammation. also you should be able to get longer during sex.
No! Religion is not a valid reason!
Just medical reasons.
for example because of prophylaxis, I also consider medical reasons
Prophylactic? What kind of prophylaxis is that?
Read again my original comment 😉
Super qualified comment. Or let everything rot under the pimosis.
Or just get all the teeth out, you don’t need to clean them 😁
In doubt, yes. There are very many to whom the foreskin prepares more problems than good. We also draw wisdom teeth. You’re gonna be fine without both.
Cutting off instead of washing is of course ne great idea 😅
Nee, the effects of circumcision are minimal that the testicles do not. 3/4 of all men with pre-skin do not wash below. This is also a good reason!
Then you can also remove the testicles, or the lung, or the brain. Then you don’t get cancer there either.
STIs, inflammation, constrictions, cancer