Gibt es textilfreie Thermen wo FKK Pflicht ist?

Ich bin eher neu in dem Thema darum hier meine Frage: Saunen sind ja gerade in Deutschland of textilfrei Pflicht, gibt es auch Thermen/Schwimmbäder wo das allgemein der fall ist? Ich finde FKK/textilfrei toll, aber wenn es “textilfrei optional” ist, dann sind meistens viele Leute in Badekleidern da und dann fühle ich mich etwas unwohl so ohne zu baden. Deshalb meine Frage, ob es ausschliesslich textilfreie /FKK Pflicht Bäder gibt, bzw. falls nicht, ob ihr textilfreie Bäder kennt, wo wirklich die meisten Leute textilfrei baden. Muss auch nicht nur in Deutschland sein. Danke für die Hilfe

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3 months ago

The swab springs in Stuttgart are beautifully made and the entire plant, i.e. all swimming pools, steam bath and sauna, is all completely textile-free. There is always only one day that is not textile-free.

3 months ago
Reply to  TaaTaa55

In the meantime, however, it has become very expensive, while the state of conservation remains.

3 months ago

Yes there is… e.g. Therme Bad Klosterlausnitz, there is a tgl. From 12 o’clock FKK mandatory in the entire spa. Apart from Wednesday and Sundays, clothing is optional full-day. Otherwise from 9 to 12 clothing optional and then from 12 naturist.

There are also Leutz where textile remains… so exactly there is no one… finds all the nudist silly that no one controls and enforces…

3 months ago

We had something like this in Wuppertal. This spa was called “Bergische Sonne” and was built and operated by the brother (architect) of our former Federal President Rau. There was a textile area and a naturist area with the same equipment.

Unfortunately, the second owner only wanted to throw money out and drove the thing against the tree. A real loss! It has now been demolished after the city and the Barmer replacement bank have acquired parts of the site.

3 months ago
Reply to  iQhaenschenkl

There was a textile area and a naturist area with the same equipment.

I was very often in the Bergisches Sonne between 2003 and 2006. There were two areas there at that time

  1. Swimming pool textile
  2. Sauna nu

The equipment was of course completely different.

3 months ago

Bad Klosterlausnitz and Ludwigsfelde are always textile-free until one or two days a week.

Leuze in Stuttgart Wednesday to Sunday from 9 p.m.

2 months ago

Usually spas are always textile-free, that is, you must not wear swimwear in the spa area,

It is also so on nude bath days in normal baths.

There is also a textile sauna, there is only textile permitted.

Clothing Optionally there are more rare or only on certain days.

3 months ago

There is the Meditherme in Bochum, this is only textile-free to use with minimum age. But I am more concerned with a sauna landscape with additional pools for swimming.

That was then the positive part, I no longer go to the Meditherme since the entry price has reached a level which is no longer justified. The price/performance ratio is significantly better in other spas in the area.

2 months ago
Reply to  H2Onrw

Can only join me. It was very nice to be able to bathe naked there, but it is also very loud there, so that the “quiet sauna” is not really possible. I don’t go there anymore, but prefer the Maritimo in Oer-Erkenschwick.

3 months ago

The Palais Thermal is located in Bad Wildbad. In the sauna area with a roof swimming pool, there is a nude bath requirement. In the rest of the bathing area, Nackbaden is allowed and actually most bathing guests make use of this option. You could already say, besides taking the sauna area covered baths allowed.

In the Eifel there is the Roetgen thermal spa, where you can also only bathe naked.

3 months ago

Yes, if the Miramar in Weinheim is a naturist time, it is informed about loudspeakers that you can only be naked from now on.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jo3591

But has unfortunately closed after a big fire

3 months ago
Reply to  Tobi14346

Very bad.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jo3591

Yes great was also the nude slide

I hope it will be rebuilt after the big fire

3 months ago

That’s true, very bad

3 months ago

Some spas have certain times when textile-free swimming is recommended. Then textile-free is also a duty to keep Gaffer away.

3 months ago

Yes, just search for “textile-free spas”.

Many spas also have non-textile evenings as an event.

1 month ago

The Medi Therme in Bochum is textile-free in the swimming pools and saunas.

3 months ago

Oh, you’re badly informed.

I don’t know APPLY APPROACH that allows bathing clothes in the nudist area! This would open doors and gates to the tensioners and therefore all agree in this point!

If you are “advanced” with bathing clothes in a nudist area, you can immediately get rid of it or have to leave the nudist area immediately. That also applies. If the swimwear is worn under a towel or a bathrobe! In the nudist area bathing clothes are always prohibited!

So if you know a plant that looks different, write some… This would be very interesting to us sauna fans… 🙂 (because not allowed)

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