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Sandro von mudrastreetwork

In our society there are several substances whose risks are often underestimated, mainly due to their availability, social acceptance and often also to lack of awareness. In my opinion, these substances include alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs.

In spite of its extensive health consequences, such as liver diseases and various types of cancer, alcohol is deeply anchored in many cultures and legally available. This social acceptance contributes to the fact that many people often underestimate the risks associated with drinking. It is similar to tobacco products. Although the awareness of the dangers of smoking has increased, there are still many smokers who either ignore the risks or assume that they can stop smoking at any time.

Another example of underestimated risks is prescription drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants. Since these substances are prescribed medically, patients can wrongly assume that they are safe, which increases the risk of abuse and dependence. The assumption that a medical prescription is equivalent to safety only reinforces the problem of underestimating the actual risks.

To protect public health, I believe that continuous education and awareness campaigns are crucial. These should provide detailed information on the risks of the consumption of these substances and point to long-term health damage without panicing or graduating. In addition, strict legal regulation is required to restrict access to dangerous substances and regulate their use. Such measures can raise awareness of the true risks and make consumer decisions more conscious.

Best regards,

sandro by mudra / DigiStreet