Gibt es solche Langstrecken Flugzeuge?
Guten Abend zusammen,
gibt es tatsächlich Langstreckenflugzeuge, die eine Dusche besitzen und wie funktioniert es dort? Muss man dann immer zahlen, wenn man duschen will, oder wie läuft es ab?
Danke im Voraus und ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Abend.
Yes, there is. So also in the First Class of the Emirates A380. Unfortunately, I do not know whether this feature is also available in the 777 same airline.
Here is the link: Emirates A380 First Class – Cabin Equipment | Emirates Germany
Thank you
No, our 777 have neither shower nor bar 🙂
(I am glad to fly a380)
Sitting at the bar for 15 min and talking to the passengers is always funny.
The first question always: “Don’t you be in the cockpit?”
Or the set” So aircraft can really fly alone”
A well-known one was also A380 pilot at Emirates. At any rate, he did not tell about breaks at the bar ^^^
Well. Everyone like him. On more than 10h to Australia, then you can’t sleep in the rest room…. Then you go to the bar once, even if I don’t drink alcoholic…
Yes, there is, but it is installed in the least. For example, you can shower at Emirates in the first class for 5 minutes.
this is a luxury feature in the firstclass of some airlines.
So fly Firstclass with a company that offers it, then you can use it.
Thank you.)
Do these planes have an extra airport/place?
Sorry, it wasn’t here long. What do you think?
Well, I’ll fly one with a shower.
I’m a captain of an Airbus A380.
In the upper deck, where the first and Business Class are located, there is a spa shower and a bar.
The shower is reserved for the first class passengers, the bar of the first and business class.
LG from the Emirates captain.
Very interesting. Thank you and a nice evening to you.
LG Redeville97
Sure. And thank you
LG A380 Captain