Gibt es solche Drucker wo man Papier ausdrucken kann wenn man über Smartphone Notizen macht und ausdruckt und wenn ja wie genau funktioniert das?

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2 years ago

Just print?

Any printer with network connection should be able to.

You can create your note with Word

2 years ago

If I really want to get it off the phone? You need a printer on the network. Usually there is an app that makes the printer available and you can print everything you want. Condition is the phone is in the same network.

2 years ago

most printers, print on paper. which paper comes to what you put in the back, and if the printer is wlan-capable (or generally networkable) you can also easily print in front of the smartphone.

2 years ago
Reply to  banane4582

dhl packing stations also have large compartments…