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1 year ago

MMn is not really… At least there are theoretically such substances, but in practical use this does not work as well as in theory or in the laboratory.

The reason is that almost all pharmaceutical active ingredients have a certain therapeutic width from which they act, but until they cause no damage (until death). However, if one distributes such things via sprinklers, or the ventilation, it is not guaranteed who gets too little, enough, or too much.

20 years ago, several 100 hostages were taken in a Moscow theatre and a special unit should free them with the help of stunninggas. It only sounded good, but as in the movie it didn’t work! Although the 50 hostages were shot on site, 125 out of 700 hostages also died by the gas, ua because they were not sufficiently medically supplied. Ü60 exGeisel also defended the state.

1 year ago

Yes, there are such psychotic drugs and they have already been used, for example, by Russia during hostage in the Dubrowka Theatre. The “benzilic acid esterhe, also as “BZ” known.

1 year ago

I don’t know. Most chemical weapons /”campaigns” etc. are taken over breathing, or skin. Once in the body blocks the poison, usually very fast, the oxygen supply.

The consequences :Death by suffocating

1 year ago

