Gibt es so haltbare Datenträger in neu?

IMATION 3M CD-R 650 MB grünlich-goldene Unterseite CD. Lässtvsoch nach 25 Jahren nich mit 25x facher geschwindigkeit fehlerfrei abspielen. Gibts so eine Haltbare cd oder Dvd noch. Mein Brenner wäre auvh mdisc fähig. Was wäre gut?

Mir gehts darum Bilder im geringer Auflösung ohne bleibenden Stromverbrauch zu sichern.

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1 year ago

For burned CDs and DVDs, there are several factors. The reflector (alu or gold), the sealing (even in aluminium, since even in pressed CDs it is possible to corrode with errors in the sealing of the aluminum reflector, in laser discs this was a big problem, so-called laser red (not the color red, but red for English rot), and the dye is burned into the dye.

Golden blanks have become rather inexperienced because they are expensive and the sealing is now working well. Especially as silver, i.e. aluminum, provides better reflective properties.

In the case of the dyestuffs, the difference between

  • Cyanin (low green or light green/light turquoise): Was already specified for 10 years at the time and many blanks did not even manage that, other cyanine blanks are still legible 30 years later, relatively unstable. In the meantime, it’s rather unusual
  • Phthalocyanine (almost colourless, slightly greenish): is still available today for CD-Rs and DVD-Rs. Specified for 100 years, most of the blanks are still legible even decades later, there are problems if they were burned with burners from the beginning which could not apply the higher performance required for this dye.
  • Azo (deep blue, now also going into turquoise): A dye patented by Mitsubishi Chemicals and their daughter Verbatim, which is also found only in Verbatim-Rohlingen (also today), which was initially specified for 50, now for 100 years and has the potential to fulfill this as an intermediate stand. In addition, it is easier to burn than phthalocyanine and easy to recognize when the note “Azo” stands on verbatim blanks.
  • Glass charcoal (Green brown): A dye patented by Milleniata for the M-DISC (Millenial Disc), which is available as DVD and BluRay blanks. However, you need a special burner for writing. The name is supposed to imply that the discs provide 1000 years of data security, and thanks to artificial aging, it was possible to prove this in an approach.
1 year ago

I’m concerned with ensuring low resolution images without permanent power consumption.

You can also take a USB stick, which also lasts 30 years with proper storage.

1 year ago
Reply to  bluedxca93

This is true only to a limited extent, flash memory, whether USB sticks, SD cards or SSDs need current from time to time because otherwise the memory cells are discharged. The second factor is the wear of the cells when writing, but that would have been possible with a CD-RW, and a CD-R can only be written once.

But as a long-term archive medium, flash memory is only semi-fit, and in practice I have better experiences than the theory says – at my own risk.

1 year ago
Reply to  bluedxca93

USB sticks and SD cards usually hold about 10 to 30 years. Disks that are used only for archiving digital images are particularly durable. The more rarely the data on the stick are overwritten, the longer it lasts.