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1 month ago

probably yes, I’m not an animal whisper, but already a whole life I attract all animals, especially dogs when I walk or walk all dogs come to me, whether big or small and the owners are totally surprised. However, I also go from far with a good look at the animals

but also cats, birds and even a water turtle has totally fixed on me and my family left

is certainly due to the positive attitude to animals

1 month ago

with love and affection, this is not done.

and animal whispers do not exist.

when you deal with the animals in a proper manner, they quickly get out of it, because you have to do it or if you like to do it. that makes the difference.

1 month ago

I have a nice friend who’s the daughter of my dog hairdresser who’s a dog psychologist. Both her mother’s business and her business are well visited and flourishing. Before, I hadn’t heard anything about it.

But apparently there is a need for it. 😃😃

1 month ago

My granddaughter. Toddlers and animals fly on them.