Gibt es so einen Kampfjet wicklich?
wenn ja, wie heisst das? 00:03
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If you were not just pics, and if you read under the video, you would be longing that it
F-X and F/A-XX combat jets of the 6th generation.
However, the video is a completely computer-animated concept study.
that’s an assembly.
are planned and in development or merely a study.
However, they are displayed too large on the carrier deck.
Without pilots, but with them.
I don’t understand what you mean by “assembly” is that fake?
Photo mounting.
Not the weekday.
Sure. But so beautiful.
Fly with rice or vodka!
It was long enough with the air force.
There are other objects flying around.
The question is only whether it will be affordable and reasonable.
Aren’t you serious?
I’m pretty sure.
Unstable flight properties are no longer a problem.
Do you think a fighter jet would be flightable in such a way?
The latest camouflage bomber in the USA would probably be the Northrop-B21. But he doesn’t look as fancy as in the video and can’t start like that. In this respect, all just an animation.
Do you think a fighter jet would be flightable in such a way?
Google time for Tarnkappen Jet
I don’t like the same in the video.
Then the video is a fantasy jet. Animated.