Gibt es schon Berichte über langzeitschäden der Covid Impfung nach einem Jahr?

impfungen die in Deutschland verabreicht wurden als von Biontech.

und erst die Nebenwirkungen nach Monaten auftauchen und nicht nach Tagen

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2 years ago
MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light
Reply to  Svensson70

Your second example does not go to the question a 🙂

2 years ago

My third vaccination was one year and two weeks ago. I didn’t have any repercussions of vaccination. Not directly, nor months later.

2 years ago

Long-term damage in the sense that they only appear after months: No.

Long-term damage in the sense that they occur quickly (in days to weeks) but last for a long time: Yes.

2 years ago

If there are side effects then they occur directly (so few days after vaccination). Vaccination is dismantled within 14 days, something that is not present can logically dissolve nothing

2 years ago

There are vaccination damages that also last longer. However, they do not occur after months or years, but after days.

Names Postvac syndrome. According to previous knowledge, the symptoms of Long-Covid are similar. Diseases-symptome/infectious diseases/coronavirus/vaccination-covid-19-nebeneffekten-post-vac-syndrom-894379.html

2 years ago
Reply to  Clean471

What included? Postvac includes all evidence of vaccination. The duration is irrelevant.

2 years ago

I personally do not know anyone who had a long-term illness due to vaccination. But I know two unimpeded, sporty, healthy women (both around the 40) who died of COVID-19!

Any vaccination may have side effects, but the risks without vaccination are far greater!

I had a few months after my second vaccination myself Corona, but very mild! And I’m a risk patient, asthmatic and over 60! Without vaccination, I probably wouldn’t live anymore!

2 years ago

As much as I know, no. But I know Longcovid, and that’s bad enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clean471

They no longer had a driving force, were abrupt and partly also a restricted lung function. The life they had previously had, even with sports and much worse in professional life was no longer possible.

2 years ago

And I know someone who went out after vaccination. They’re coming back. All hair didn’t come back.

2 years ago

Yep, the virus has been erased! Germany is no longer in the pandemic!

2 years ago

My friend had no vaccination and is so hard on Corona that 1 year and 7 months could not work. She still suffers from Long Covid, but it has become better. I have heard of damage caused by vaccination, but these are extremely few when compared to the cases of Long Covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuchssprung

How many are they? How many have Long Covid? And how many of them were vaccinated/unvaccinated?

2 years ago
Reply to  Clean471

Yes, she has long-term damage to Corona.

2 years ago

There is. But there are more reports on LongCovid, because there are also much more cases.

2 years ago

There are no vaccination effects that occur after months.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clean471

Yes, only after days or weeks. After months, an effect is no longer possible.

2 years ago

Because the long-term damage doesn’t work as you imagine it will never give you that list you want.

2 years ago

I had received 7 vaccinations and all without major problems and no long-term damage!

2 years ago

I can only confirm that I have been doing this healthily since the 2nd Moderna Vaccination Mountain. I’m regularly with the doctor or the hospital. It started as with people in the following reportage.

I’m really not a so-called vaccinationist, but with the stuff something really doesn’t agree, you can’t point that out anymore. It is also heard that the number of sudden heart attacks is constantly increasing. I don’t know if this really has to do with vaccination, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I have a lot of problems with blood pressure since the vaccination.

I can only hope that this scandal will be revealed at some point and the responsible will be taken to account and the victims will be compensated.

2 years ago
Reply to  acaron

With me it is also like this: since the 2nd vaccination (with me Biontech) I have increasingly health problems in the form of heart complaints. And I wouldn’t call myself a vaccinator – otherwise I wouldn’t have let myself intact.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clean471

So after the first vaccination, I was dizzy, which is probably nothing unfortunate. But after the 2nd, the next day I was flat with extreme cold-like symptoms, so I couldn’t even stand up. I wouldn’t have been able to call an ambulance because I couldn’t move in principle. But fortunately, I became extremely tired, well, it was probably a faint. This then went over relatively quickly overnight. But what remained was constant dizziness and extreme fatigue, sometimes extremely strong and then again milder. Once even so mild that I thought it was over. But then it started again from the front and then stomach problems started. I am a doctor, of course, and everything was tested and the only thing you could really notice was a dead blood pressure. The symptoms are still there and sometimes so bad that I think I flip. Of course, you get also fear and then you get to heartaches, which does not necessarily help the whole thing. This has been about 1 year. I’ve been vaccinated late and never had Corona according to countless tests.

2 years ago

Vaccination does not cause long-term damage because the vaccine is no longer in the body after a few days. She only taught the immune system how the coronaviruses look so that the immune system can successfully combat them.

2 years ago


2 years ago

now 4x vaccinated.because I would only do if the beer no longer tastes,haha