Gibt es relativ gesunde Snacks?
Ich bin sehr viel unterwegs und kann nicht immer groß Essen kochen. Meine Frage: Gibt es unterwegs relativ gesunde Snacks, die nicht zu süß, zu salzig und zu fett sind?
Ich bin sehr viel unterwegs und kann nicht immer groß Essen kochen. Meine Frage: Gibt es unterwegs relativ gesunde Snacks, die nicht zu süß, zu salzig und zu fett sind?
Die Person meinte das alle frisch wären.
Ich schon manchmal
Was war das ekligste, was du in deinem Leben gegessen hast?
War buffet essen und habe 15 Stücken gegessen. Davor hatte heute aber auch kein Mittag nur ein kleines Stück Kuchen, Banane und Frühstück. Findet ihr 15 Stücken zu viel? Ist das schlimm?
Kann ich eine ungeöffnete Packung Airup Pods noch benutzen obwohl sie schon ein Monat abgelaufen sind? Geht es darum nur, ob es noch danach riecht oder ist da irgendwie chemi was dann schlecht wird wenn ich die noch benutze? Weil normal riechen sie noch
Raw food.
Unfortunately, most “ToGo” products are not primarily designed for health…
Don’t you have the time, – and possibility – to prepare a lot in the evening or weekend, which you can take?
I think there – e.g. –
If everything sounds much more complicated than it is in reality – is more healthier, and tastes much more delicious than “purchased”!
For example, you could take fruit bars (does it with dm or aldi) or just fresh fruit. An apple, a banana, you don’t have to pack anything big. Nuts are suitable as a salty alternative.
Apples are good for it.
Fruit is also suitable
Making self-made cereal bars, apple chips themselves. Manufactured goods: fruit (obstsalat), vegetables per se. I ceremonies. Nuts
Or dipping and freezing bananas in yogurt
Try it with protein bars. They contain little sugar, for that have many carbohydrates.
Take your nuts. They fit in any pocket, are healthy, very tasty and nutritious.
Peppers, cucumbers, cheese strips, olives. Supplemented by some whole grain bread and /or pumper nickel. Can you sneak everything at home nicely small and take it in a box.
Zuccini cut into slices with a spatula and a few minutes into the oven. You could probably smell
Fruit and raw vegetables, for example!
Sweets, cucumbers, calves, pickled eggs, rosin, dry fruit generalo, dried liver.
But they end easily in spots on the clothes.
How do you eat it?
with nem spoon? you can just so snack, that’s not a science
Well, if you have a plastic box with blueberries, you have to get them out with the spoon. Or did you want to take it to you in any other way? Dry fruits are of course also suitable.
How are they supposed to fall on the clothes?
There’s only one blueberry to fall down
Raw vegetables: e.g. paprika, vegetable cucumber, cabbage rabies…………………..
Hard boiled eggs