Gibt es Reithelme größer als 61cm?

Mein Reithelm ist heute angekommen in größe 59-61.. hab ihn anprobiert und ich musste mein Kopf da schon reindrücken und es tut etwas weh an den Seiten 😭 weiß jetzt nichr was ich machen soll weil das ist ja schon die größte größe? Und eigentlich sieht mein Kopf auch gar nicht groß aus sagt auch meine Familie ich kann es irgendwie selber nicht glauben .. (wenn ihr Helm Ideen habt wäre es auch noch gut wenn ihr den Preis dazu schreibt 🙈)

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1 year ago

However, it could also be that not the size of the mistakes, but rather the helmet model, its equipment or just the fact that helmets of this manufacturer do not fit their own head shape.

Why helmets should actually be tried in the specialist business and then the preferred manufacturer and a model should be selected.
Do you have a good bike helmet? Then you could also look at the manufacturer whether this riding helmet has in the range.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aleyna426

According to my experience, for example, Uvex helmets are more for narrower elongate heads. Would test a helmet from KED or Casco in your place. They talk more broader heads. By size at over 60cm head circumference, Casco should definitely operate up to 63cm head circumference.

1 year ago

Not only the size, but also the shape must fit your head. Also, an error in the size designation may have happened. In a well-stocked shop you should definitely be able to help.

1 year ago

Riding helmets are tested in the specialist store. Depending on the manufacturer there are other shapes, and a helmet must fit properly! There’s nix with internet.

1 year ago

From Casco there are, my knowledge, also helmets in size XL, which cover 60-63 cm.

e.g. Casco Mistrall-2

It would be best if you went to a specialist store where you could try the helmets on site and let you advise.