Gibt es Patchwork auch in der Tierwelt?

ich bin der Meinung,das Patchwork eine unnatürliche Konstellation ist und es deswegen meist auch sehr schwierig ist,überhaupt so etwas ohne Probleme und Reibereien zu führen. Wie sieht das in der Tierwelt aus? Kümmern sich da andere Tiere auch um fremden Nachwuchs? Meine ich hätte sogar mal gelesen,dass einige Tierarten (alle weiss ich nicht),”fremde Brut”zerfleischen um dann eigene zu zeugen,stimmt das?

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7 years ago

There are animal species that bring up other animals of the same species. Sometimes it even happens that representatives of foreign species are adopted if they are still quite small.

7 years ago

Some animals like lions or ostriches also care about strange young people. However, with lions the own boys are always preferred. On the outside, more hens lay their eggs in the nest of the main hen until they protest. However, how knows which eggs are their own and rolls them into the middle. Of their own chicks therefore usually all slip. Of the other hens not. But when the chicks are slipped, they take care of cock and main hen around all the same.. Some monkeys like pavians have babysitting with the males. But even they do not gsnz without own use. If he cares for a strange baby, he will do it right with his own boys. He rises in the sight of the females to increase his chances for a pairing.

4 years ago
Reply to  Buckykater

In animals such as lion wolves, tigers, chimpanzees Zebras dolphins, bears . NagetiereElephants, storks and some others are killed by strange boys or by rivals but by the males. This is quite widespread in the animal kingdom

zebra stallion kills another stallion’s foal

War of the Apes – War of the apes

7 years ago

We now had a female who lost her own puppies in the animal welfare association and then accepted puppies that were almost taken up at the same time.

Girls from our stable once thought they had to bring a rehkitz from the forest. Since my mother was with a förster, we took the Kitz to us, and our dog immediately “joyed” the little one and didn’t move away from the side.

Well, there’s something like that in the animal kingdom.

7 years ago

In many animals, especially in foxes, it is quite normal that females accept and raise the boys from other species.

This, of course, always depends on the species, and counter-examples are also sufficient!

What you think is completely irrelevant, because in humans I would consider “patchwork” as natural. What would be the alternative? Maybe throw kids away? Or do you want to prohibit parents from having a private life? ANNEX

It should make everyone how he/she/it is happy. And if that’s done with patchwork, that’s good. And if not, then the affected people will notice themselves and take care of a solution without having to ask you for advice.

It’s not that you don’t have multiple “trying” free. :

7 years ago

In some animal species, the males go to strange boy, if they have conquered the mothers or want to conquer them. This has to do with the fact that they can testify to their own youngsters.

The female animals, if they have straight boys, or have lost them, often accept strange boys, even of completely different species.

It’s even crocodiles. They bring their just hatched boys into the water and take the little turtles with them.

7 years ago

Yes, there is. Under social animals, all adult animals in a group care about the children. This can be seen as a modified form of patchwork.

There are also cases in which animal mothers have raised spezies strange young. e.g. a cat-mother has accepted the chicks as their own children because they have just appeared to the time-punt when their own cat-babys were born.

It simply depends on the species.

A dandel is also ne art patchwork. After all, the lonely do not blew the young of the other.

7 years ago

That is exactly what it is: lions kill the young of their predecessor to witness a new brut with the löwin, so that only his gene can be multiplied.

differently I have experienced twice here myself, as my 2 kater each have raised a cat-young.

animals mating in allg. yes again and again with another partner .so sees the problem doesn’t come up — others are a lifetime with one and the same partner together,also there is no patchwork popblem .

7 years ago
Reply to  eggenberg1

It was new to me that lonely broods, but I didn’t know that kater can purge a kitten. would you like to be back?

7 years ago

the word – brut – now refers only to the –brown– in birds,but is simply also a name for descending/younging in purged . who does not know that, should simply not participate in such themes

7 years ago

Lions are cats, and cats are the only mammals that lay eggs, and can multiply by delegators!

7 years ago

What would you count the lions?

7 years ago

Depending on type normal. Herds are common.

7 years ago
