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Also net wundern, bin M15 aber will halt wissen, wie sich das anfühlt 🙂 Dankiii
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Geschenke für 2 Jährige?
Heyyy, ich suche ein Geschenk für meine 2 Jährige Cousine (es sollte nicht zu teuer sein). Danke 😊
You probably mean women who have the same music taste as you.
Tastes are different, there is no good or bad, just the same or different.
I personally don’t like to listen to Germanrap. I like to listen to the pop or indie rock, like musicians like alex g, mitzki or tv girl
well, also “Deutsch Rap” is a direction of a music taste. To believe that others have no taste usually only means that others do not share the same taste.
Fabitekk is not music. There’s not gonna be much more music taste.
I’m sure there are. maybe you are the one who has no taste of music
In order to assess this, one would have to know his example, but I’m afraid because of the name bad, so I won’t do this to me :-D.
that’s always a taste. but can’t even ask, I’m honest.
Such questions are simply stupid.
While I find questions about music even worse, which essentially “how horny is this music, is the great or fantatical” loud and then also reveal great music (my taste) ….
I’ve never heard Deutschrap in my life and not what you wrote up there, I hear Metal
I have music taste – so I hear Powermetal and Classic. …
I hear German Rap🙂